Easter: The Only Time it’s OK to Put All Your Eggs in One Basket! [Free Email Templates]

Speaking of baskets have you checked how many baskets a.k.a  carts are abandoned in your e-shop?

Do you know that in a festive period like Easter parents, godmothers, brothers, sisters and in-laws are desperately looking for this special gift for their loved ones, even the very last minute?

Let’s not mention how children get so excited with colorful eggs and cute little animals, especially ducks, chickens and bunnies that are honored at this time of year. ContactPigeon is here to guide you on how to benefit from this celebration.

The biggest advantage you have here is the information your clients leave behind. Use this in order to send automated customized festive promotions to remind them or even give them ideas on what to buy.

Now it’s the right time to send them a customized Cart or Browse Abandonment campaigns based on the products they were looking at or those who have left in their basket.

Even if you don’t belong to people who celebrate this holy period, we are pretty sure that you will get excited with this celebration as most of your clients will be thankful to receive a jolly newsletter that attracts them to come back to your site and eventually proceed to a purchase.

The more attractive your newsletter is, with or without an offer, the more conversions you will get! Have a look below for ideas:

Template #1


Template #2


Template #3


Download the Free templates here!

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ContactPigeon is the ultimate analytics and marketing automation platform. We provide a solution to every marketer's problem: How to send the right message, at the right time.