Black Friday Checklist: A 52-Spot Last-Minute Audit for Retailers

black friday checklist

There aren’t enough words to describe accurately the importance of Black Friday and Cyber Monday for retailers, and the last few years have proved it through and through. The fast-paced landscape of the retail and eCommerce industry is evolving day by day, and the challenges are never-ending. The only constant remaining untacked is that Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the most significant periods for the retail sector globally, and none of them misses out. Industry professionals, e-shop or physical store owners, and marketers are making significant adjustments and improvements to their business plans to prevent chaos from reigning. In this instance, a detailed and meticulous Black Friday checklist will save the day, serving as a compass through the storm of discounts, promotions, and one-time deals.  

This article will unveil different neat tricks and tips for a seamless and organized Black Friday that will aid retailers in facilitating the process and gaining momentum. The significant advantages of having a checklist in your arsenal cannot be forsaken, so check below and find out how you can empower your business.

The risks of a poor strategy and the benefits of a Black Friday checklist

Source: Reuters

One thing is unquestionable: a poor Black Friday strategy will prove detrimental to retail and eCommerce businesses. Shoppers and shop owners highly anticipate this occasion every year, as both groups have a lot of things to gain from this event. Those who won’t prepare will face significant financial losses and setbacks that will prove fatal down the line. A poorly executed strategy will probably not attract new or return customers, and this will cause retailers to lose out on a substantial market share during the discount period. 

What is more, an inadequate strategy and a nonexistent Black Friday checklist will most likely harm the reputation of a business and negatively affect brand loyalty. Customers who will face easily avoidable obstacles such as website crashes or inventory shortages will lose interest in their favorite brands and turn elsewhere. Retailers are obliged to cater to their audience’s needs, seeing that the fierce competition leaves no room for mistakes. Businesses can potentially face long-term issues with customer retention and revenue growth if they fail to meet the demands of consumers in this super busy time. 

To avoid these financial and brand image disasters, retailers should conduct thorough audits, even at the last minute. Mitigating these risks will allow physical and online shops to correct mistakes in their strategies and seize the opportunity for growth and increased revenue. Providing an easy and seamless customer experience during the Black Friday frenzy will protect the brand and its sustainability. All in all, a complete digital marketing strategy that will include necessary website optimizations, will ensure success, customer satisfaction, and increased sales.  

The Black Friday checklist: Inventory and stock management

Don’t get stressed, but retailers have a lot to prepare for Black Friday, and one of the most crucial assets in their arsenal is their stock! Find out how to manage your inventory and stock needs with some handy tips below.

Get ready for a longer sales period and forecast with accuracy 


Prevention is better than cure, and that can also apply to any retail and eCommerce business, big or small. Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions in recent years are not just limited to these days anymore. According to this latest trend, you need to make sure to maneuver your strategy and accommodate your customers for a lot longer than previously anticipated.

Utilizing historical data, current trends, and past consumer habits can aid you in foretelling what products are in high demand, and it’s the first thing you need to take off your Black Friday checklist. These insights can help you understand what your customers are looking for and accommodate their needs for your offering. Anticipating popularity will prove vital in this very hectic period, and based on your findings, you can adjust and modify your stock levels to avoid overstocking or running out.

Audit your inventory 

Inventory audits are like annual health check-ups. They are very mundane but also extremely important, and before the Black Friday frenzy, they are mandatory. Before controlling and managing your stock, you should access it and conduct thorough audits, making sure that your records align with your stock levels. With this neat trick, you can identify fast and slow-moving products and adjust your strategy accordingly. For example, you can create bundles or targeted promotions with your slow-moving products to clear them sooner rather than later. Additionally, you can pinpoint the products that do not attract customers and replace them with more appealing items.

Plan an effective replenishment strategy for safety stock 


To prevent disruptions and customer complaints during the Black Friday craziness, you must restock missing products fast and effortlessly, especially if they are in high demand. First, you have to estimate the turnaround from placing new orders to your suppliers until you receive your shipment, or in other words, the lead times. Map out how long it will take from the exact time of ordering until the restocking, and sync every part of the process. This tactic will help you prevent last-minute shortages and provide sufficient time to meet the demand precisely.

Invest in product segmentation

Like your customers, your products can also be divided into segments according to their popularity, the generated sales, and seasonal character. Inventory optimization is an effective strategy, so it belongs in this long Black Friday checklist. Categorize your items methodically and identify what products are more profitable, creating a balance between demand and supply. Your stock should align with your audience’s preferences to aid you in boosting your business objectives effectively and making the most out of your offerings. Moreover, it is also significant to decide what your main products will be and use them as the centerpiece of your strategy.

Communicate and coordinate with your suppliers 


Planning ahead of time to ensure operative inventory management means that you will also have to coordinate with your suppliers and streamline your operations. The supply chain has become volatile, and to avoid hustles like stockouts, you must prepare in advance. Inform your providers about the products that will be more popular and schedule your restocking accordingly.

Sync online and physical inventory 

If your store has both an online and offline presence, validate that your management system updates constantly across all channels. This tactic will assist you in avoiding discrepancies in your stock levels both online and offline and ensure product availability on all fronts. Accurate and timely inventory synchronization will empower retailers and boost customer satisfaction.

Stay on top of your shipping and return policies

Shipping is a significant part of your strategy, not just a matter of logistics. You have to consider many things before establishing your shipping policy, such as that your customer’s needs must align with affordable options. Consumers may want free and fast, but both terms are relative and dependent on a number of factors. When you have a plan, communicate it to your audience with emails, FAQs, or pop-ups.

The same goes for your return policy: customers need easy, hassle-free solutions. Sometimes, they will not even complete a purchase until they have a clear view of the brand’s return policy. Likewise, when you establish your return procedure, you must promote it to your audience and keep them informed.

The Black Friday checklist: Brick-and-mortar store & eCommerce website preparedness

Addressing online and offline assets will ensure a smooth customer experience and journey across all channels and touchpoints. A seamless experience is crucial during the Black Friday rush

Preparing physical stores for foot traffic


Before launching your promotions, ensure that your physical store will be ready for the increased surge of customers. These simple steps in our Black Friday checklist will save your strategy and eliminate any problems. 

  • Rely on your personnel: Training your current employees and hiring additional people for increased inquiries and support needs is one of the best ways to manage your customers during this busy time. Cover all the bases like support, transactions, timely product restocking, and crowd management. Lessen the workload of your customer support department with chatbots that will handle easy questions before connecting your consumers to a representative for more complex issues. 
  • Organize the placement of your products and your store layout: Change your store’s appearance to facilitate the flow of your customers with extensive pathways and fewer obstacles along the way. Similarly, your high-selling products should be prominently displayed and easily accessible to the consumers.
  • Provide more checkout counters: An easy checkout goes a long way during these hectic circumstances. It will decrease waiting times and prevent customer discomfort. 
  • Have contingencies in place, prioritizing safety and security: Prepare for unexpected medical emergencies or power outages. Also, create a first-aid kit just in case, and set clear emergency exits with visible signage. Another good idea is to hire security personnel on-site to prevent theft.  
  • Check your equipment before Black Friday: Make sure every piece of equipment, like your POS system or security cameras, works properly before the big day. 
  • Don’t forget about hygiene: Clean your store thoroughly before and after the Black Friday and Cyber Monday events for proper hygiene and adhere to regulations. Besides the health benefits, this will create a welcoming and warm environment for you and your customers.  

Ensuring website stability and security 

Source: Salesforce

To be proactive is better than to be reactive, and that is a general rule of thumb. Black Friday and Cyber Monday promotions always bring increased website traffic to your eCommerce store, and you must remember that there are many things to consider for your strategy. We have gathered the most important for you in the Black Friday checklist below!

  • Hosting: Consider upgrading your hosting plan to handle boosted traffic loads. Cloud-based hosting services can scale resources immediately, so keep this option in mind.  
  • Never forget about mobile responsiveness: Shoppers have everything they need in the palm of their hands, so mobile optimization is mandatory and super crucial. Users tend to shop online through smartphones and tablets, and your website needs to meet these requirements for increased sales. 
  • Use fewer third-party scripts: Plugins and scripts have the tendency to slow down websites, so use only the essentials. 
  • Data privacy and security: As always, do not forget to take into account security threats and enhance protocols. Protect the data you accumulate from your customers and take into account GDPR when you reach out to them. 
  • Clear navigation and UX design:  A user-friendly interface with seamless navigation will prove worthy of your time and investment, as it will provide a frictionless customer journey. 
  • Implement an easy checkout process and guest checkout: This is one of the most significant tricks in your eCommerce playbook, and it applies all year round, not just through Black Friday. Ensure that your checkout process is easy, can accommodate guests, and is fast, or otherwise, users will not go through with their order. Include easy, fast, and trusted payment methods, like “buy now, pay later” with Klarna.
  • Have a backup plan and test your website’s performance: Monitor your website’s health and functionality beforehand to get ahead if any issues arise before Black Friday. Moreover, having backups to your data and files and adding fail-safes is also an important tactic to consider.

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The Black Friday checklist: Marketing and advertising strategies

A well-structured omnichannel advertising and marketing strategy should cover three different timelines to be complete: before, during, and after Black Friday. Each timeline has a different goal and philosophy, so let’s delve deep into the omnichannel secrets that unlock long-term growth. 

Before Black Friday


  • Conduct market research and check the competition: Stay ahead of the game and take a moment to check the moves of your competitors, both before and during the promotional periods. Taking into account their discounts, their promotional messages, and any interesting strategies that you could also add to your mix is an important factor in your Black Friday checklist. 
  • Create anticipation and hype:  FOMO, scarcity, and exclusiveness are some of the most common tricks that you can implement in your marketing campaigns and capitalize on their benefits. Use pop-ups to encourage your visitors to subscribe and get the latest promotions earlier than the rest. This will increase your subscriber base and your followers. Nurture your old customers and your new leads with exclusive newsletters and early access. 
  • Modify your existing promotions and update your automations: Customers are getting frustrated when they are being spammed with similar promotional campaigns. Prevent overlaps in your messaging by adjusting the time intervals of your automated campaigns. Pause some automations and create new ones to generate timely engagement that will attract customers. 
  • Segment your audience: Your audience is divided into smaller groups and personas with unique tastes, preferences, financial status, and needs. A good marketer and a professional retailer should include targeted promotions for each group separately to increase sales and loyalty. 
  • Boost your social media, and think about influencer marketing: Promote your brand and your exclusive, time-sensitive deals on your social media accounts. Consider partnering up with influencers to increase your reach and your word-of-mouth strategy.  
  • Organize your content creation: Coordinate with your designers and art department to create content for all your marketing assets. Make sure to include content for social media, newsletters, pop-ups, and paid ads. Lastly, optimize both your website and your store with Black Friday content and alter their appearance to match the seasonal hype and atmosphere. That also applies to your category and product pages, so your descriptions are updated and refreshed.   
  • Include PPC campaigns in your budget: Adjust your budget to reach targeted new audiences with paid ads and keep your evergreen ones active. 
  • Mix and match different touchpoints for an effective omnichannel reach: Gather and organize all your digital assets, creating a holistic, 360 approach. Keep in mind that you can target different audiences through different channels, like social media, chatbots, newsletters, pop-ups, push notifications, or SMS/Viber messages. 

During Black Friday 

  • Focus on a robust email marketing approach: Follow up on the FOMO you have created before Black Friday, sending reminders on the previous promotions or on-the-spot deals. Scarce and limited-time products drive customers to complete their purchases with this urgency. 
  • Highlight your limited-time discounts: Introduce countdowns and urge sales before your discounts expire. 
  • Reward and thank your loyal customers: Make sure to thank your loyalty members with coupons or additional points for their dedication. This tactic will boost your customer lifetime value and make your audience love you even more! 
  • Launch campaigns, discounts, and promotions through all your channels: Engage through all your phygital channels to reach a wider audience. Ensure consistent branding and clear messaging for better results by aligning your content, your visuals, and, of course, your promotions. 
  • Real-time interactions: Use live chat, chatbots, and social media to reply in real-time with your visitors and your customers online. Similarly, instruct your on-site personnel to better answer questions, navigate and further promote the deals, and manage the crowd. 
  • Social media takeover: Inform your followers with regular updates about your ongoing promotions. Re-post and urge user-generated content for increased brand awareness and word-of-mouth publicity.  
  • Double-check your outreach and your audience across all your digital sources: Make sure your email messages are getting through to your subscribers and your social media followers are not bots. Emails that bounce and fake profiles will prevent you from targeting properly while distorting your Black Friday statistics, analytics and KPIs. 
  • Engage with targeted offers:  The aim of segmenting either your customer personas or your products is to promote personalization. Utilize all the data you have accumulated and send the right messages, to the right people at the right time for increased profits and better performance. 
  • Don’t hesitate to take advantage of cross-sell/upsell opportunities: This strategy can be implemented both online and in person. In the first case, you can send promotional messages to your customers based on their previous purchases and spending habits with AI-driven recommendations. In-person, your sales department can guide your customers and offer them similar recommendations or complimentary items based on their on-spot interactions. 

Post Black Friday 

  • Nurture your new leads and turn them into return customers: Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales provide a perfect chance to increase your customer base and your social media followers. After the dust settles, keep engaging with your new leads to remind them of your brand and their experience. This will aid you in winning them over permanently and achieving long-lasting relationships.  
  • Continue your promotions after the BFCM season with clearance sales: Clear your remaining inventory and make space for your new products with post-Black Friday exclusive sales. This strategy will allow you to attract customers with no-brainer bargains even at the last minute. 
  • Stay in touch with post-purchase thank-you coupons for selected customers: Reward your high-spenders or your loyalty club with personalized thank-you emails. Include coupons to thank them for their preference for your brand. 
  • Ask for customer feedback: Customer feedback is the most effective way to learn about your performance and your brand’s image directly from the source. Encourage your audience to complete a small survey about their experience, with a small discount as a gift for their time. 
  • Launch retargeting campaigns for additional conversions: Keep your remarketing ads and campaigns active to re-engage with those who didn’t go through with a purchase. Send them browsing reminders with discounts to achieve conversions.  
  • Revisit your overall strategy to figure out what worked best for you and what didn’t: Evaluate your strategy from start to finish, reflecting on what went well and identifying areas that need improvement. Analyze your data for deep customer insights that will yield better results on upcoming campaigns and future strategies. Track key metrics like conversions, traffic, or click-through rates to measure your success. 

The Black Friday checklist: KPIs, tracking, and reporting


After the Black Friday rush, retailers, marketers, and business professionals need to take a closer look at their overall endeavors and gauge their success. This meticulous process is essential for decoding the impact of Black Friday, analyzing consumer behavior, and fine-tuning future strategies. Here are some of the most important KPIs and metrics that you should consider. 

  • Revenue: Compare this year’s results with previous years to monitor your growth. 
  • Average order value: Checking the average amount per transaction will aid you in accessing the impact of your sales and promotions, during the Black Friday period. 
  • Conversion rate: This metric will showcase how much of your website traffic turned into actual sales. 
  • Customer acquisition cost: CAC will allow you to identify the effectiveness of your campaigns. 
  • Traffic: Your website traffic is an important metric that shows if your customers are interested and engaged by your promotional content. 
  • Retention rate: Keep an eye on your loyal customers and measure the impact of their return purchases on your Black Friday overall strategy. 
  • Social media engagement:  Your social media likes, shares, mentions, and comments shed light on your brand’s awareness and popularity. 
  • Email marketing performance: The key indicators for emails refer to the open rates, the CTR, and the conversions of your Black Friday messages. These statistics will indicate if your Black Friday campaigns came through to your audience and engaged them meaningfully.   
  • Inventory management and return rates: Evaluate the effectiveness of your inventory management after Black Friday to assess overstock or stockouts. Additionally, the return rates will help you analyze customer satisfaction and product quality. 

Our 52-spot Black Friday Checklist Template

No Checklist Item Type/Channel Last-minute Ideas Tracking & Reporting Points
1 Have you clearly identified and profiled your target demographic segments? Customer Segmentation Perform a last-minute check on your customer persona details. Confirm that your Black Friday campaigns align with their preferences. Monitor and evaluate customer response, sales, and engagement for each demographic segment. Check if the segments respond as expected.
2 What differentiates your brand from competitors in the market? Brand Positioning Highlight your unique selling points in all last-minute communications and promotions. Track brand recall and sentiment. Monitor competitor activity and customer preference changes.
3 Does your value proposition effectively communicate the unique benefits your product/service offers to the target audience? Value Proposition Emphasize your value proposition in all your Black Friday communications. Survey customers to understand if the value proposition is clear and compelling. Monitor conversion rates.
4 Does your strategy include a blend of both online and offline marketing channels? Multi-Channel Marketing Implement a last-minute pop-up store or partner with a physical store for an offline presence. Measure ROI for each marketing channel. Track customer response and engagement in both online and offline channels.
5 Does your content calendar cover all marketing channels and is it aligned with the Black Friday timeline? Content Strategy Create additional snackable content for last-minute promotions or extend your content calendar. Monitor content performance across all channels. Look for patterns in engagement based on content type and time of posting.
6 Have you analyzed the potential ROI of different advertising channels? Advertising Consider last-minute ads on high-performing channels, but don’t forget to negotiate rates. Track ROI for each advertising channel. Calculate cost per acquisition (CPA) and measure against benchmarks.
7 Does your social media strategy include daily posts, across all networks? Social Media Marketing Prepare extra posts to share customer reviews, testimonials, and last-minute deals. Track engagement, click-through rates (CTR), and conversions for social media posts. Monitor follower growth and sentiment.
8 Have you identified the main keywords and long-tail keywords for your Black Friday campaign? SEO Do a last-minute check on keyword trends and update your SEO strategy if needed. Track keyword rankings, website traffic from organic search, and conversions. Monitor changes in search volume for identified keywords.
9 Does your email marketing strategy include segmentation, personalization, and A/B testing? Email Marketing Send a last-minute email blast with a special offer to segments that have low engagement. Track open rates, CTRs, and conversions for email campaigns. Monitor unsubscribe rates and feedback.
10 Are your landing pages optimized for conversions, with clear calls-to-action? Landing Page Optimization Run last-minute A/B tests to optimize your CTAs and other elements for higher conversions. Track landing page visits, bounce rates, and conversions. Use heatmaps to understand user behavior.
11 Do your PPC campaigns target your identified keywords and audience segments? PPC Advertising Consider boosting your budget for high-performing keywords or segments. Track click-through rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and conversions for PPC campaigns. Monitor the Quality Score of your ads.
12 Have you identified influencers who have a strong following among your target audience? Influencer Marketing Engage a popular influencer for a last-minute promotion or live event. Track reach, engagement, and conversions for influencer campaigns. Monitor sentiment and feedback from the influencer’s audience.
13 Are you effectively tracking and retargeting visitors who have engaged with your brand? Retargeting Run a last-minute retargeting campaign with a special offer to bring back cart abandoners. Track click-through rates (CTR), conversions, and return on ad spend (ROAS) for retargeting campaigns. Monitor changes in cart abandonment rate.
14 Have you identified potential partners for cross-promotion during the Black Friday season? Partnership Marketing Collaborate with a partner for a last-minute combined offer or joint promotion. Track reach, engagement, and conversions for partnership campaigns. Monitor feedback and sentiment around the partnership.
15 Are your affiliate commission rates competitive to attract and motivate affiliates? Affiliate Marketing Announce a temporary increase in commission rates for Black Friday or offer a special bonus for top-performing affiliates. Monitor affiliate sales and calculate ROI. Check the number and performance of active affiliates.
16 Do you have a plan to encourage and share user-generated content? User-Generated Content Hold a last-minute contest or giveaway that encourages users to share content related to your Black Friday deals. Track the volume and quality of user-generated content. Measure engagement and sentiment.
17 Have you identified topics for video content that will resonate with your audience? Video Marketing Create last-minute live videos or Stories on social media to showcase your Black Friday offers. Track views, watch time, engagement, and conversions for video content. Monitor subscriber growth on your video channels.
18 Are your promotional offers attractive and competitive? Promotions Reveal a surprise “deal of the hour” on Black Friday to create urgency and excitement. Track sales, profit margins, and customer response for each promotion. Monitor inventory levels in real-time.
19 Have you set up appropriate tracking and analytics on all your campaigns? Analytics Setup Do a last-minute check to ensure all tracking codes are correctly installed and functioning. Ensure the accuracy of data collection. Monitor real-time reports on Black Friday to make quick adjustments if needed.
20 Does your CRM system effectively track and manage customer interactions? CRM Management Set up a special Black Friday dashboard in your CRM to monitor customer interactions on the big day. Track the volume and nature of customer interactions. Measure the response time and resolution rate of your customer service team.
21 Is your website fully responsive and does it offer a smooth user experience on mobile devices? Website Optimization Implement last-minute optimizations based on mobile user feedback or usability testing. Track mobile user behavior, conversions, and bounce rates. Monitor feedback and complaints related to mobile usage.
22 Have you identified potential PR opportunities such as press releases, interviews, or features? Public Relations Send a last-minute press release or arrange a media interview to highlight your unique Black Friday offerings. Monitor media coverage, reach, and sentiment. Track website traffic and conversions from PR sources.
23 Do you have a contingency plan to address any potential negative situations or backlash? Crisis Management Have a rapid response plan in place for any last-minute PR crises or customer service issues. Monitor social media, customer feedback, and news for any negative incidents. Track the effectiveness of your response strategy.
24 Is your business listed and optimized on local directories and Google My Business? Local SEO Update your Google My Business hours and information for Black Friday at the last minute. Track local search rankings, website traffic, and conversions from local search. Monitor customer reviews on local directories.
25 Have you integrated chatbots for instant customer query resolution? Customer Service Set up a last-minute Black Friday FAQ or deals guide in your chatbot. Monitor chatbot usage, customer satisfaction, and resolution rate. Track sales assisted by the chatbot.
26 Are your referral incentives attractive enough for customers to refer others? Referral Marketing Launch a last-minute referral contest or bonus incentive for Black Friday. Track referrals, conversions from referral links, and the growth of your referral program. Monitor the response to your referral incentives.
27 Is your checkout process seamless and easy, with multiple payment options? Checkout Optimization Add a last-minute express checkout option or additional payment method based on customer demand. Track cart abandonment rate, checkout completion rate, and payment method usage. Monitor customer feedback on the checkout process.
28 Have you planned regular A/B tests on your website, emails, and landing pages to improve conversions? A/B Testing Run a last-minute A/B test on a key conversion element, such as your checkout button color or headline. Monitor the results of your A/B tests and implement winning variations. Track the impact on conversions.
29 Do you have engaging topics and a promotion plan for your webinars or events? Event Marketing Hold a last-minute webinar or live event to showcase your Black Friday deals and answer customer questions. Track event registrations, attendance, and engagement. Monitor sales and leads generated from the event.
30 Are your data collection, storage, and processing practices compliant with GDPR requirements? Data Compliance Conduct a last-minute review of your data practices and privacy policy to ensure GDPR compliance. Monitor data breaches, customer complaints, and compliance violations. Track changes in customer trust and sentiment related to data privacy.
31 Are your loyalty rewards attractive enough to encourage repeat purchases? Loyalty Program Introduce a last-minute loyalty reward or tier upgrade for Black Friday spending. Track loyalty program enrollments, reward redemptions, and repeat purchase rate. Monitor customer feedback on your rewards.
32 Do you have a system to encourage and manage online reviews and ratings? Reputation Management Launch a last-minute review contest or incentive for customers to leave a review on Black Friday. Track the number of reviews, average rating, and sentiment. Monitor the impact of reviews on sales and customer trust.
33 Are you engaging with customers after purchase to encourage reviews, referrals, and repeat purchases? Customer Engagement Send a last-minute follow-up email or offer to Black Friday customers to encourage reviews and referrals. Track post-purchase engagement, review rate, referral rate, and repeat purchase rate. Monitor customer feedback on your follow-up efforts.
34 Are your newsletters providing value to your subscribers and achieving high open and click-through rates? Email Marketing Send a last-minute Black Friday newsletter with exclusive content or deals for subscribers. Track email open rate, click-through rate, and conversions. Monitor subscriber growth and feedback on your newsletters.
35 Are you regularly monitoring your competitors’ marketing efforts and adjusting your strategy accordingly? Competitive Analysis Conduct a last-minute analysis of competitors’ Black Friday strategies and adjust your strategy if necessary. Track your competitive position, market share, and customer sentiment compared to competitors. Monitor changes in competitor strategies and market trends.
36 Are your community outreach programs aligned with your brand values and target audience interests? Community Outreach Launch a last-minute community event or initiative for Black Friday that reflects your brand values. Track community engagement, sentiment, and impact. Monitor the response to your outreach efforts and their alignment with your brand.
37 Have you considered how AR/VR technologies could enhance your product/service experience? Technology Integration Implement a last-minute AR/VR feature or demo for your Black Friday deals. Track usage of AR/VR features, user engagement, and feedback. Monitor sales and conversions influenced by AR/VR.
38 Are you utilizing marketing automation tools to increase efficiency and effectiveness? Marketing Automation Set up a last-minute automated email or social media campaign for Black Friday. Track automation performance, efficiency gains, and customer response. Monitor the impact of automation on your marketing outcomes.
39 Have you identified relevant topics or existing podcasts that resonate with your target audience? Podcast Marketing Arrange a last-minute podcast interview or sponsor a relevant podcast episode for Black Friday. Track podcast listenership, website traffic, and conversions from podcast sources. Monitor listener feedback and engagement.
40 Are you planning to refresh your ad creatives during the Black Friday season to maintain audience interest? Advertising Release a last-minute ad creative update for Black Friday to re-engage your audience. Track ad performance, click-through rate, and conversions. Monitor audience feedback and engagement with your ad creatives.
41 Have you planned a series of blog posts that cater to Black Friday topics? Content Marketing Release a last-minute Black Friday-themed blog post with shopping tips or exclusive deals. Track blog post views, time spent on page, and conversions. Monitor comments, shares, and feedback on your blog content.
42 Are your CTAs clear, compelling, and consistent across all marketing channels? Conversion Optimization Update your CTAs last-minute with a unique Black Friday message or offer. Track CTA clicks, conversions, and bounce rate. Monitor customer feedback on your CTAs.
43 Have you tested and optimized the loading speed of your website and landing pages to prevent user drop-off? Website Optimization Implement last-minute speed optimizations to ensure smooth Black Friday shopping. Track website load time, bounce rate, and conversions. Monitor customer feedback on your website experience.
44 Do you have a process in place to regularly collect and analyze customer feedback? Customer Feedback Set up a last-minute Black Friday feedback form or survey. Track feedback quantity and quality, customer satisfaction score, and feedback-driven improvements.
45 Is your live chat service responsive and capable of resolving customer queries effectively? Customer Support Improve your live chat capabilities last-minute to manage Black Friday customer queries. Track live chat usage, response time, resolution rate, and customer satisfaction.
46 Are you using personalization tactics in your emails and social media messages to enhance engagement? Email & Social Media Marketing Send a last-minute personalized Black Friday email or social media message to your customers. Track personalization response rate, engagement, and conversions. Monitor customer feedback on your personalization efforts.
47 Is your brand voice, messaging, and visual identity consistent across all marketing channels? Brand Consistency Review and adjust your brand elements last-minute to ensure consistency on Black Friday. Track brand recognition, consistency, and sentiment. Monitor customer feedback on your brand.
48 Are you accurately measuring the ROI of each marketing campaign to determine its effectiveness? ROI Measurement Implement a last-minute ROI tracking enhancement for your Black Friday campaigns. Track ROI of each campaign, overall marketing ROI, and ROI trends. Monitor campaign performance and cost-effectiveness.
49 Carry out a post-campaign analysis for future strategy improvements. Post-Campaign Analysis Plan a detailed post-Black Friday analysis session to review performance and insights. Track post-campaign improvements, insights gained, and strategic adjustments. Monitor the impact of analysis on future campaigns.
50 Do a post-Black Friday review and plan for the next big sale (Cyber Monday, Christmas, etc.). Post-Event Planning Hold a last-minute planning session for the next big sale based on Black Friday results. Track planning effectiveness, preparedness for next sale, and performance improvements. Monitor the impact of planning on subsequent sales events.
Number of Tactics Used Evaluation Score
0 – 17 Very Poor Score
18 – 25 Poor Score
26 – 35 Average Score
36 – 42 Very Good Score
43 – 50 Champion

Discover more Black Friday resources

Wrap-up: For leading retailers, optimizing the Black Friday strategy is a no-brainer

As Black Friday approaches, the importance of a 360o, unified strategy cannot be overstated. We have delved deep into all the aspects of preparation, execution, and evaluation, to aid retailers and eCommerce professionals in getting armed to the teeth for the occasion. The key takeaway from this long Black Friday checklist is to encourage and urge both small business owners and enterprise giants to plan ahead and leverage the hype of the most profitable time of the year. In the fast-paced environment of retail, the foundation is laid in foresight and a proactive approach. 

ContactPigeon’s omnichannel customer engagement platform along with our consulting customer success team can be an important ally for you this Black Friday. Our insights and guidance on the latest eCommerce and retail best practices will elevate your efforts and set the stage for a prosperous future. Consider booking a free 30-minute consultation with ContactPigeon’s growth experts to stay ahead of the game and take over the reins of your business!   

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to elevate brand awareness and customer loyalty with drip campaigns. Learn how to scale your omnichannel marketing, including drip campaigns, by scheduling a demo with ContactPigeon.

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Joyce Qian

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Joyce runs Marketing at ContactPigeon. On a daily basis, she ponders on different ways innovative campaigns can translate into significant busienss growth, particularly given the ability to leverage data-driven insights. Outside of work, Joyce loves reading, traveling and exploring her new found home in the ancient city of Athens, Greece. Follow her on LinkedIn.