Retail Innovation: 11 Retailers That Nailed It

retail innovation

In an ever-changing consumer market and a world dominated by technology, retailers must put their best foot forward regarding innovative marketing tactics. Retail innovation is when a retailer offers consumers something new or an improvement in its technology, services, products, or business systems. More specifically, retail innovation revolves around providing added value that makes a retailer more desirable to consumers and gives it a leg up on the competition. Retail innovation is not just for businesses that have the funding to invest in expensive, fancy technology to provide exciting experiences for their consumers. Instead, big and small retailers should focus on

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How to choose the ideal retail customer engagement platform

customer engagement platform

Let’s allow the importance of retail customer engagement to sink in: When it comes to making a purchase, 64% of people find the customer experience to be more important than the price, according to Gartner Research. In a digital world where online shoppers are overwhelmed with choices, it is more important than ever to use a retail customer engagement platform that will convert potential clients into returning shoppers.  This rings even more true in the post-COVID-19 era when more people are opting to shop from the safety of their own homes, and, luckily,  in 2022, very few businesses do not have online

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13 Customer Engagement Strategies for the Fitness Industry

customer engagement strategies fitness industry

The fitness industry has taken a hit over the last couple of years as the COVID-19 pandemic forced people indoors and businesses to close. As fitness retailers and organizations try to get back to some kind of normal, acquiring and retaining customers is top of mind.  Customer engagement strategies for fitness businesses are proven ways to boost customer retention. They help fitness brands build solid followings and stronger client relationships. These strategies may include an omnichannel approach to outreach and a greater focus on the customer experience:  73% of people believe the customer experience is an important factor in making

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13 Omnichannel Customer Engagement Strategies for Public Services and Nonprofit Organizations

customer engagement strategies for public services and nonprofit organizations

It’s no secret that Covid-19 increased the urgency of digital transformation, with a 65% increase in digital customer interaction during the pandemic. Although, the disappointing realization that only 29% of customers receive the deep level of engagement they require, means that things are pretty serious. Unfortunately, those statistics apply to any business or organization with brand-consumers interactions and extend to a variety of cases.  Therefore, public sector companies and nonprofit organizations stand a lot to gain by using marketing activities to raise brand awareness, promote donations, and inspire customer engagement. Their marketing mix can include email marketing, in-person marketing events,

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Gartner Trends 2021: What They Mean for Retailers

Gartner Trends 2021 for Retail

Each year, Gartner publishes a list of the top strategic technology trends for businesses to pay attention to for the upcoming year. As a world-leading research and advisory company, Gartner understands the retail business and how customers interact with it, so understanding their trends each year can have a significant impact on your business. Compared to last year’s Gartner trends, which focused on D-commerce, personalization, and privacy, among other things, the Gartner trends 2021’s retailers need to care about are driven by AI engineering, distributed cloud, and cybersecurity mesh. Let’s take a look at this year’s Gartner trends and — most importantly

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How to Automate Your Customer Support in 2024

It’s no secret that rapidly developing new technology is changing the world of business for the decades to come. It’s 2023 and your customers have yet again raised their expectations as to how their experience with your product or service should look like. Not convinced? Studies show that 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies that offer outstanding customer service. It’s pretty clear that the quality interaction between your customers and your customer support team is what can make or break your business. That’s why providing excellent customer support is an investment that will pay off

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5 Ways to Grow Your Email List 2024

Whether you already have an email marketing strategy in place or are looking for ways to expand your outreach into email and grow your mailing list in doing so, the approach you take will effectively make or break your efforts. According to HubSpot, 80% of business professionals firmly believe that email marketing increases customer retention, and with 59% of customers admitting that marketing emails affect their purchase decisions, it’s safe to say that email marketing is alive and well as a lead generation and nurturing channel. However, additional data provided by Medium shows that email open rates across all amount

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Fashion Ecommerce Marketing: 5 Automation Flows That (Actually) Work

Fashion eCommerce Marketing

Fashion is one of the industries that has seen constant economic success over the past decade. In 2018 alone, the global online fashion market has brought in $484 billion, representing 27% of total fashion retail sales occurred online. While the fashion industry enjoys great profitability, the margins are facing pressures from new entrants and competitive landscape. Considering that the global fashion market online is predicted to reach $765 billion by the year 2022 (a 58% increase from today) every marketer needs to have the latest tools and strategies to boost their fashion eCommerce marketing. Savvy marketers understand that marketing automation is no longer

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Omnichannel eCommerce Marketing Guide for Retailers [2024]

Omnichannel eCommerce marketing

Robust marketers are tapping into the latest omnichannel eCommerce trends to grow retail sales year over year. How can you create an omnichannel eCommerce marketing strategy for your brand? We’ve got you covered. In this post, we’ll go into why omnichannel eCommerce is the future, and how to get started with omnichannel marketing. Table of Content Amazon, again, leads the way What is Omnichannel eCommerce Marketing? Omnichannel vs Multichannel eCommerce Benefits of Omnichannel eCommerce Marketing eCommerce omnichannel trends worldwide 2 great Omnichannel eCommerce examples to get inspired from Designing your Omnichannel Strategy in 2021 An Omnichannel approach is the only

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eCommerce Personalization: The Absolute Guide for 2024

ecommerce personalization

Savvy marketers know that the boom of eCommerce is setting market trends for online retailers. The influence of the annual growth of eCommerce is perhaps best illustrated by recent statistics. In 2017, global e-retail sales reached 2.3 trillion U.S. dollars, of which, retail eCommerce accounted for 10.2% percent. The shift to online retailing is only accelerating, while new computing trends such as predictive modeling and AI introduces unique shopping experiences for consumers that are ever more personalized. So, how can eCommerce personalization help your brand in 2021 to capitalize on the skyrocketing online marketplace? To personalize or not to personalize?

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eCommerce Marketing Strategy: A Step by Step Guide for 2024

The eCommerce industry has seen a dramatic boom in recent years, and there is no end in sight to the heights of which online sales may skyrocket. Just look at the rock solid eCommerce stats projecting that for 2021, online sales are expected to reach a minimum of $3.5 trillion — put that together with the fact that eCommerce sales accounted for 11.9% of all retail sales worldwide in 2018, and you can see why having a responsive marketing campaign is vital to growing your brand. Let’s turn our attention to the leader of the pack: when it comes to

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10 eCommerce Guides You Should Read (immediately)

Curated ecommerce guides

Whether you are an eCommerce newbie who is looking to start your online store or an experienced eCommerce owner looking scale up business results, chances are, 24 hours a day is not enough to accomplish all that’s required to grow a business. Not to mention the time required to sift through hundreds of eCommerce guides and resources to help you get started. That’s why we have curated the definite must-read eCommerce guides from professional experts for our readers’ convenience. Our goal is to provide you with information from a variety of perspectives — such as eCommerce owners, operators, and marketers — to be sure that you get the most effective marketing automation tools, tips, and guidelines to support

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The Ultimate eCommerce Marketing Automation Guide for 2024

Marketing Automation Guide 2018

A primary attraction of running an eCommerce business is the ability to control many aspects of your business operations from just about anywhere via the internet. But merely existing as an online business isn’t enough anymore. To thrive, you need to continuously adopt best practices to refine your business model. One of the most profitable arrows in your eCommerce quiver is the automation of your marketing processes. This article attempts to gather the best practices across the globe into this step by step eCommerce marketing automation guide for your reading convenience. Marketing Automation: Why Should I Bother? The e-Commerce boom is revolutionizing

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The eCommerce Nurture Campaign Best Practices for 2024 (that work)

eCommerce Lead Nurturing Emails Best Practices

If you’re in any kind of online business today, you should know about the importance of nurture campaigns in eCommerce and the best practices on how to design successful nurturing sequences. Why? The reason is simple. In the landscape where competition is just one search or clicks away, rarely do a business score a sale on the first outreach or visit session. Or the second. But with a consistent lead nurturing strategy, you can turn the corner for your marketing efforts. A DemandGen report showed that 4%-10% higher response rate when measured against solitary email campaigns. Ecommerce owners and marketers, even those

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The Starter Guide to Ecommerce Marketing Campaign Automation: Getting Repeat Customers

Getting repeat customers with marketing campaign automation.

2019 Update: We released a detailed eCommerce Marketing Automation guide. You can read it here.   In recent articles, we have established why marketing campaign automation is an important part of eCommerce for nurturing leads and increasing conversions. Our post today will explore the final part of the customer journey – engaging your customers after first purchase. We will address how marketing automation can play a key role in extending your customer’s lifetime value (CLV).   What is a customer worth? For any eCommerce to be truly successful, it’s key to really understand the unit economics related to your customer acquisition, retention and

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The Starter Guide to Ecommerce Marketing Campaign Automation: Lead Nurturing

Marketing campaign automation - Lead Nurturing

2019 Update: We released a detailed eCommerce Marketing Automation guide. You can read it here. Unless you sell magical elements or proclaim to be a wiz in online marketing, chances are, a good majority of your online visitors don’t convert immediately. Acquiring leads and turning them into customers requires a gradual process. This process, also known as lead nurturing, can not only bring customers but also increase the overall customer lifetime value. In eCommerce, you can tap into the power of marketing campaign automation for leads nurturing to win conversions in the long run. Today, we will cover the key Marketing Automation scenarios

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The Starter Guide to Ecommerce Marketing Campaign Automation: It’s All About Conversions

Marketing Campaign Automation - Conversions!

2019 Update: We released a detailed eCommerce Marketing Automation guide. You can read it here. In a recent article, we discussed the rising role of marketing campaign automation in e-commerce marketing due to the tremendous benefits it has on e-commerce sales. In this post, along with the two subsequent articles as part of our Marketing Automation trilogy, we dive deeper to explore the essential e-commerce automation workflows that nurture leads, optimize conversions and increase returning customers. We start by addressing the number ONE concern of all e-Commerce marketers – converting web visits to sales. So, let’s dive right in. The eCommerce conversion challenge Let’s

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What Exactly Is Email Marketing Lifecycle? A Practical Guide for E-Commerce


Engaging customers is a critical part of boosting sales. Smart marketing strategies are starting to emphasize more and more on the email marketing lifecycle, because it is usually far easier and more cost-effective to get repeat business from existing customers than it is to dig up new ones in other ways. Email marketing is a well-established way of communicating with customers and deepening your relationships with them. It’s a managed communications strategy that integrates a full range of marketing communications and channels. This helps to ensure that prospective clients get the material they most need while they are on the

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