3 On-site Retargeting Tactics to Grow Ecommerce Sales

On-site Retargeting

The most common on-site retargeting practice is to capture visitors before they leave your eCommerce website in a subtle yet clever way. As discussed in our first onsite retargeting blog post, on-site retargeting is as valuable as your most precious business associate is. It is a highly customizable tool that allows you – as part of a greater effort to raise customer retention and increase revenue – to grow, nurture and eventually convert leads into customers. Many big brands, such as Amazon, have come up with creative and clever ideas to offer their visitors valuable shopping experience. The process of designing great on-site

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Onsite Retargeting: Your Ecommerce Success Recipe

Onsite retargeting success recipes

The essence of retargeting is to increase conversions, grow leads, boost revenue and simultaneously keep all your visitors satisfied. If you think this is a tall order, then keep reading. Onsite retargeting is a way to prompt a targeted message, either text or media format, to visitors as they are browsing the website. It differs from traditional PPC based remarketing in that you are engaging visitors with the goal of conversion before they leave the site. Successful on-site retargeting requires the capability to monitor visitor behaviors in order to derive insights on visitors’ preferences, and trigger an email campaign at the

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