7 Super Lovable Valentine’s Day Email Marketing Ideas

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, meaning eCommerce retailers must come up with awesome Valentine’s Day email marketing ideas to boost conversions and compete to win the hearts of their visitors. And, if you’re not convinced that this holiday is not worthy of the hype, just consider that according to the National Retail Federation (NRF) and Prosper Insights & Analytics, consumers allocated $25.9 billion for Valentine’s Day expenditures in 2023, marking an increase from the $23.9 billion spent in 2022. That’s right. Valentine’s Day is a multi-billion-dollar holiday celebrated by over 50% of consumers, worldwide! And, online shopping is

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200+ Romantic Valentine’s Day Email Subject Lines

Valentine's day email subject

When it comes to email marketing, consumers scroll, swipe, and click their way through hundreds, if not thousands, of messages each day. Consequently, the gap in capturing customer’s attention is narrowing considerably.  Throw in a consumption-driven event like Valentine’s Day, when nearly every business out there is jumping into the marketing frenzy, and you’ve got your work cut out for you. What all eCommerce Managers should also keep in mind is that approximately 52% of individuals partake in Valentine’s Day celebrations, so you should totally spend some time designing your Valentine’s email marketing strategy. That’s why having attention-grabbing Valentine’s Day

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