The Starter Guide to Ecommerce Marketing Campaign Automation: It’s All About Conversions

Marketing Campaign Automation - Conversions!

2019 Update: We released a detailed eCommerce Marketing Automation guide. You can read it here. In a recent article, we discussed the rising role of marketing campaign automation in e-commerce marketing due to the tremendous benefits it has on e-commerce sales. In this post, along with the two subsequent articles as part of our Marketing Automation trilogy, we dive deeper to explore the essential e-commerce automation workflows that nurture leads, optimize conversions and increase returning customers. We start by addressing the number ONE concern of all e-Commerce marketers – converting web visits to sales. So, let’s dive right in. The eCommerce conversion challenge Let’s

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Audience Segmentation Tools: What You Need to Know

Audience segmentation tools

With increased competition in eCommerce, one way you can get a leg up on your competitors is through the use of audience segmentation tools. Audience segmentation is a simple marketing process that every company must use to reach their customers more effectively. What is audience segmentation? Audience segmentation is a subset of audience analysis, and it involves sorting your customers into various groups depending upon certain data points. At its core, audience segmentation is simply an acknowledgment that your buyers are not homogenous in terms of identities, needs, desires, motives, capabilities, etc. Naturally, the exact same messaging won’t necessarily reach

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3 On-site Retargeting Tactics to Grow Ecommerce Sales

On-site Retargeting

The most common on-site retargeting practice is to capture visitors before they leave your eCommerce website in a subtle yet clever way. As discussed in our first onsite retargeting blog post, on-site retargeting is as valuable as your most precious business associate is. It is a highly customizable tool that allows you – as part of a greater effort to raise customer retention and increase revenue – to grow, nurture and eventually convert leads into customers. Many big brands, such as Amazon, have come up with creative and clever ideas to offer their visitors valuable shopping experience. The process of designing great on-site

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Use Real-time Web Analytics to Boost Real-time Marketing

Actionable insights with real-time web analytics

In the first part of this series on live web analytics articles, we wrote about the importance of focussing on customer experience, highlighting that a data driven approach employing real-time web analytics is essential. We went on to outline the major benefits afforded by monitoring real-time traffic along with real-time retargeting and promotions. In this article, we extend the analysis to examine in greater detail at how live web analytics tools such as ContactPigeon’s analytics underpin this. Real-time Marketing There is nothing new about real-time marketing. It first gained the attention of marketing professionals back in the 1990s when the

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Why Marketing Campaign Automation Should Be a Part of Ecommerce Marketing?

Marketing campaign automation should cornerstone to ecommerce marketing

Marketing campaign automation is one of the most successful digital marketing practices in recent years. Why? Not only for its multiple benefits. Not only because it helps you integrate your Sales team with your Marketing team or because it enables you to boost your customer relationships. Most importantly, because it is your business’s customer engagement strategy. It is the dialogue between you and your audience; it is an integrated strategy to make something out of every single person who gets in touch with your brand through every possible channel! With the right marketing campaign automation software and proper execution, you

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Onsite Retargeting: Your Ecommerce Success Recipe

Onsite retargeting success recipes

The essence of retargeting is to increase conversions, grow leads, boost revenue and simultaneously keep all your visitors satisfied. If you think this is a tall order, then keep reading. Onsite retargeting is a way to prompt a targeted message, either text or media format, to visitors as they are browsing the website. It differs from traditional PPC based remarketing in that you are engaging visitors with the goal of conversion before they leave the site. Successful on-site retargeting requires the capability to monitor visitor behaviors in order to derive insights on visitors’ preferences, and trigger an email campaign at the

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Live Web Analytics: The Best Ways to Use Them and What You Need to Know

Live web analytics for ecommerce

To say that the world of e-commerce is competitive is something of an understatement. Thanks largely to factors like the plethora of data, the web analytics tools, the transparency of pricing and the (relatively) low barrier of entry, new e-commerce websites are popping up all the time – which can be difficult for the ones that were already there. As is true in any competitive environment, one of your primary goals then becomes separating yourself from the rest of the pack in any way that you can. This is also difficult in e-commerce, as aside from competing on pricing through

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ContactPigeon Dynamic Segmentation is Getting a New Look


Our product team was asked to build a magic sales generating crystal ball for ContactPigeon customers. While they did not end up with a crystal ball, they did build the next best thing which is already live in your account! Our Brand New Segment Builder with one of the most user-friendly interfaces you have ever experienced.

5 Key Ecommerce Metrics you Need to Track Daily

“Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.” – Albert Einstein OK, maybe Einstein never said that (according to this quote belongs to the sociologist William Bruce Cameron) but, the bottom line is: every eCommerce owner should identify and improve the metrics that really count. With so many resources and tools out there – Google Analytics, your eCommerce platform, ContactPigeon analytics (of course ☺) – it’s very easy to get lost and become distracted of what really matters, your customer. This article will take you step by step on clarifying how and what you should calculate and

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How to Choose the Best Marketing Automation Platform for Your Startup


If you’re running a startup and want your marketing efforts to be as effective as possible, you should take advantage of the power of marketing automation software. Studies show that marketing automation can increase sales productivity by 14.5%, and on average, 74% of companies report that using marketing automation software saves them a significant amount of time. If you know that you want to take advantage of a marketing automation platform but you’re not sure how to choose one, the following considerations can help you decide on the right platform for your specific business needs and goals. via GIPHY  

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How to Write an Effective Automated Welcome Email for Ecommerce


Visitors who browse your website and subscribe, they do it for a reason. They care about what you have to say and expect something from you. A welcome email campaign is the least you can do in order to introduce them to your brand, the products you offer and convince them that you can make their everyday life better whether you offer services, cosmetics, clothing or electronics. In summary, the welcome email is a branded campaign with the goal to explain what you offer, in the context of a series of warm messages, welcoming the new subscriber to your family.

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8 Facts About Ecommerce Marketing Automation That Will Make You Think Twice


Marketing automation usually refers to a platform with associated tools and analytics to help develop a lead nurturing strategy. In short, it enables you to automate your marketing so you can shift your energy to more cerebral tasks and strategic thinking. It can be a super valuable tool for nurturing prospects since the relevant and personalized content helps convert these prospects into leads and then customers. More companies are realizing the power of marketing automation for e-commerce, whether selling event tickets, services or products online. Marketing automation can range from email marketing to lead management and everything in between. Check

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5 Tips for a Successful Cart Abandonment Email

Cart abandonment might be the Boogeyman that every e-shop is scared of but, what is it, though? When potential customers visit your site and show interest in multiple products, eventually they will add some of them to their basket. Isn’t this what you really aim for, especially when you have spent time and money after multiple campaign efforts to drive them back to your website? Some of these potential clients though, will never make it to check out. Why not remind them? Cart abandonment: why visitors don’t complete their orders? In order to create a successful campaign, it is important to understand the reasons

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What Exactly Is Email Marketing Lifecycle? A Practical Guide for E-Commerce


Engaging customers is a critical part of boosting sales. Smart marketing strategies are starting to emphasize more and more on the email marketing lifecycle, because it is usually far easier and more cost-effective to get repeat business from existing customers than it is to dig up new ones in other ways. Email marketing is a well-established way of communicating with customers and deepening your relationships with them. It’s a managed communications strategy that integrates a full range of marketing communications and channels. This helps to ensure that prospective clients get the material they most need while they are on the

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Convince Your Boss About the Importance of E-Commerce Email Marketing

As marketers, you constantly have to struggle in explaining the value of what you do. You have to justify all your actions and goals in ways that other departments don’t have to worry about because the results of your work are gradual and not always instant. Executives want to know the outcomes of the time and money the business has invested in various marketing tactics. In order to make a convincing case for marketing investment, you need to focus your recommendation on the ultimate results a certain strategy will generate. E-commerce email marketing is one of the tactics that gets pushed

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[New Video] ContactPigeon in a Nutshell!


Hard Work, evolution and inspiration are some of our favorite words! All our pigeons work every day to find the best solutions for you in order to increase traffic and sales. Apart from that, we aim to constantly upgrade our platform for the best user’s experience, as we take into consideration all of our customer’s requests. In this post, we would like to present you our brand new video and how ContactPigeon can help you gather the most accurate customer’s information possible.   By using the ContactPigeon platform you can create numerous Marketing Automation Scenarios such as Browse & Cart

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How Email Marketing Can Increase Your
E-Commerce Business Profits


If you run an e-commerce business, there’s probably a good chance that you’re using multiple marketing strategies to drive leads and increase sales. One essential marketing strategy that you should be taking advantage of is email marketing. Email marketing can help you better nurture your leads and make more sales from those leads. In fact, according to a study on email marketing by the Direct Marketing Association, the ROI of email marketing is a whopping 3,800%! If you are looking to grow your business this year, here are several ways that e-commerce email marketing can help. 1. Email Marketing Drives

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Product Update: 100+ Free Ecommerce Email Templates from ContactPigeon


Well-well, ContactPigeon team hits again! We work relentlessly in order to bring you the latest, most user-friendly ideas to send amazing email campaigns! This month we proudly introduce our 100+ template gallery with ready-made emails for creating stunning campaigns for e-commerce (and not only..). This is a feature we’ve planned and worked on for months, so you can just imagine and maybe even feel how excited we are to finally bring it to life for you, our beloved customers ? Also, we added the possibility to add your Pre-Header text right from the specific field in our editor. So, no more hiding preview

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The Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing: Email Marketing for Ecommerce


In today’s digital age, online retailers are using a huge variety of tools to market their business. Email marketing remains the most powerful tactic for reaching potential customers, especially when paired with good A/B testing, you can fine-tune your messages to drive substantial conversion results. There are multiple ways to test the efficacy of your email campaigns. You can experiment with different variants of your email’s structure and switch it up. You can test emails in order to see what your recipients respond by using different Subject Lines, different layouts and optimize it’s open and click-through rates. What Is A/B Testing?

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Email Marketing Ideas for Mother’s Day [Free Templates]


Come on, admit it, she is your everything! You know it much better than us, but we are here to help you make her day, the best of her life. With Mother’s Day celebration just around the corner, you must have already been thinking about how to help your clients surprise their mothers, at least we hope you do! If you belong to the absentminded species, don’t worry we got you covered! With this article, our main goal is to help you create attractive campaigns that will drive your customers directly at the checkout of your e-shop! In ContactPigeon we believe that

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