SMS Personalization: Best Practices for Retailers

sms personalization

Personalized marketing is a game-changer for the dynamic world of retail, and SMS personalization has become a crucial strategy for businesses aiming to enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Retailers can create meaningful connections that drive engagement and sales by sending tailored messages directly to customers’ phones. With widespread industry adoption, an impressive 84% of the eCommerce and retail industry have already embraced SMS and text marketing campaigns. This blog post aims to equip retailers with the best practices for effectively implementing SMS/Viber and WhatsApp personalization. For readers, this means gaining actionable insights to enhance your marketing efforts, foster stronger

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Choosing The Right Customer Data Platform (CDP) for eCommerce

choosing a customer data platform for your ecommerce business

In an era where data reigns, the ability to navigate and utilize this valuable resource could very well be the differentiator that propels an eCommerce brand ahead in the competitive arena. According to a study by Invesp 56% of e-consumers are more likely to return to a site that delivers personalized product recommendations. This dramatic ROI expectation underscores the power of CDPs to transform customer data into actionable insights. This blog post delves into the essentials of Customer Data Platforms, guiding e-commerce executives in selecting the perfect CDP tailored to their unique needs. Table of Contents > Choosing a customer data

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Customer Profiles for Retailers: Analysis, Examples, and Best Practices to Increase Retention

customer profiles

As consumer preferences continue to evolve at an unprecedented pace, the retail world becomes increasingly saturated. Retailers find themselves navigating a complex maze of choices to stay relevant, and understanding their customers has never been more crucial. Enter the realm of customer profiles —a strategic tool that transcends traditional demographics and delves into the intricate nuances of individual buying behavior. In this realm, data meets personalization to create a winning formula for sustained customer loyalty. Customer profiles are critical in creating omnichannel customer engagement strategies that resonate with a retailer’s target audience. They allow marketers to understand their ideal customers

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The Omnichannel Chatbot Revolution: 18 Key Benefits for Any eCommerce Business

benefits chatbot ecommerce

Using an omnichannel chatbot to tackle customer service and improve the shopping experience has proven a very efficient strategy and a must-have best practice since there are many benefits that a chatbot can deliver to an eCommerce business. In 2021, the chatbot market was worth $190.8 million and will grow to over $1 billion by 2030. A chatbot is an AI-powered program that simulates human customer service with consumers, interacting with them and answering their questions, and lets customers interact on more than one platform.   One of the primary benefits of an omnichannel chatbot in eCommerce is the ability

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Building a 360° Christmas marketing strategy in retail

Christmas marketing strategy retail

Throughout the year, seasonal marketing campaigns can be a great way to engage your audience and achieve higher revenue for your products. There’s no time this rings more true than during the Christmas season. On average, retailers count on approximately 20% of their annual sales to take place in November and December. If you want to make the most of the holiday season and increase traffic in both your physical and online stores, you’ll need a strong Christmas marketing strategy — and we can help. Table of Contents > Why a Christmas marketing strategy is critical for retailers > The components

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How Videos Can Improve Customer Experience in Retail

videos improve customer experience

Videos are an excellent tool for companies in the retail industry to improve their customer experience. There are plenty of video creation tools and devices to use, so even small retail stores can get their videos done in-house without much hassle.  Before the internet was a big thing, companies only used videos primarily for advertising. Nowadays, you can share a video with the whole world with just one click. Therefore, the availability and the benefits of using videos to improve a customer’s experience, leave no excuse for small or large-scale retailers to not implement it.  Aside from improving the overall

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54 eCommerce Homepage Best Practices That WORK [2024]

Homepage Best Practices

Much like a brick-and-mortar retail storefront, an eCommerce homepage acts as a web user’s first impression of a brand. An Adobe report found that nearly 40% of online users will leave a homepage that is poorly designed, just like real-life shoppers will leave a store if it is unorganized, poorly presented, and unhelpful. By following the homepage best practices listed below, website creators can inspire visitors to engage with their site, leading to more conversions, higher customer satisfaction, and greater customer retention in the long term. In fact, on average, according to a 2015 B2B Web Usability report, 86% of

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Product page best practices: The 38 most efficient tactics to replicate in 2024


Retail in 2023 doesn’t look quite like it did before COVID took over eCommerce. Online shopping is at an all-time high, even after lockdowns have eased. In the modern digital era and the sudden development of eCommerce due to recent events, a brand’s conversion rate is greatly affected by its website and therefore its product page design. A company’s digital image speaks volumes to the consciousness of the consumers, with regard to trust, quality, and overall experience. As a result, businesses need to make the most of this by implementing product page best practices and conversion rate optimization (CRO) campaigns

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13 Effective Omnichannel Customer Engagement Strategies for Retailers

retail customer

When 80% of sales consistently come from 20% of your existing customers, it goes without saying that keeping those buyers around and engaged is a top priority. Retail customer engagement strategies drive retention rates, and with 86% of consumers reporting they’ll pay more for a better brand experience‌, it’s an open opportunity to form lasting relationships with customers and increase your bottom line. Since the pandemic hit every retailer hard, changing the retail world as we know it, optimizing your business’s omnichannel strategy and finetuning your customer engagement plan can have a bold difference in your quarterly and yearly results.

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Retail Best Practices: 12 Tactics to Maximize Your Mother’s Day Revenue

retail best practices mothers day

Mother’s Day is a big day for mothers and the retail industry. Mother’s Day, which is celebrated on May 9th this year, is the third-largest retail holiday in the U.S. The nuance of Mother’s Day is that shoppers are buying primarily for their mothers and stepmothers. A part of that $20B Mother’s Day retail spends also includes purchases for wives, daughters, grandmothers, sisters, and even friends.‌ Consequently, any retailer should have a marketing campaign ready to roll out for the big holiday. Below you’ll find a combination of online and physical retail best practices for your Mother’s Day marketing strategy.‌ Impressive Mother’s Marketing

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eCommerce Growth in Time of Crisis: What Apparel Retailers Should Know

eCommerce Growth during Crisis

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned out to be a genuine black swan turning the global economic patterns upside down. The retail industry and apparel segment, in particular, are not an exception. The lockdown has not only forced fashion retailers to put more effort into online channel development but has also changed consumer shopping behavior in a fundamental manner. There are good reasons to say that the apparel industry will not be the same as we got used to it before the crisis. So, how can retailers stay effective while everyone around is now selling online? This entry is right about

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How to Remain Operationally Sustainable as an Ecommerce Retailer During Crisis

Operationally Sustainable eCommerce Retailers

The corona pandemic has led to a significant change in buyer behavior which caused a shift towards more eCommerce sales. While offline retailers had to suffer from severe losses during the lockdown period, many online shops recorded a strong increase in sales. In fact, in the US online retailers registered YoY (year-over-year) revenue growth of 68% in April and conversion rates that are comparable to Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. However, the increase in online sales also correlated with reduced logistics capacities due to the consequences of the spread of the coronavirus (namely lockdown, social distancing, etc.) resulted in

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Ecommerce SEO: Everything You Need To Know


When it comes to ecommerce SEO strategies, they all have the same goals: Increase organic website traffic Increase conversion rate Increase revenue So this means getting to the top of the search results and sending qualified traffic to the ecommerce website. Anyone new to the eCommerce world will probably find this a little daunting… But it doesn’t need to be! I am going to take you through the most effective eCommerce SEO strategies you can use to give your online store a boost up the rankings. I will discuss: Table of Content Conducting A Site Audit Keyword Research & Optimization

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Category Page Best Practices for eCommerce

eCommerce Category Page Best Practices

The Category page groups individual product pages together based on a similar theme. Having well-structured category pages is important for every eCommerce brand as it improves rankings for specific keywords and makes product exploration easier for consumers. This generates higher sales and better conversions as a result. In this article, you’ll find a great list of Category Page best practices from category page designs to layout structures. Let’s skyrocket your eCommerce sales this year. Table of Content What is a category page in eCommerce? Why is Category Page optimization crucial for any eCommerce business? 22 Category Page Best Practices for eCommerce

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10 eCommerce Guides You Should Read (immediately)

Curated ecommerce guides

Whether you are an eCommerce newbie who is looking to start your online store or an experienced eCommerce owner looking scale up business results, chances are, 24 hours a day is not enough to accomplish all that’s required to grow a business. Not to mention the time required to sift through hundreds of eCommerce guides and resources to help you get started. That’s why we have curated the definite must-read eCommerce guides from professional experts for our readers’ convenience. Our goal is to provide you with information from a variety of perspectives — such as eCommerce owners, operators, and marketers — to be sure that you get the most effective marketing automation tools, tips, and guidelines to support

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The Best of the Best Product Pages [2024 updated]

Ecommerce best product pages 2018

Your company’s landing page is its first impression. It determines what potential customers see first, whether they click around to see more and possibly make a purchase, maybe even whether they sign up to your email list to receive regular updates. For eCommerce businesses. the first impression visitors have of your brand is often the product pages. Like all first impressions, it’s vital that your landing page makes a good one, especially in today’s crowded eCommerce marketplace. What exactly goes into some of the best product pages on the web? So although there are some great eCommerce resources and articles about optimizing a product

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The eCommerce Nurture Campaign Best Practices for 2024 (that work)

eCommerce Lead Nurturing Emails Best Practices

If you’re in any kind of online business today, you should know about the importance of nurture campaigns in eCommerce and the best practices on how to design successful nurturing sequences. Why? The reason is simple. In the landscape where competition is just one search or clicks away, rarely do a business score a sale on the first outreach or visit session. Or the second. But with a consistent lead nurturing strategy, you can turn the corner for your marketing efforts. A DemandGen report showed that 4%-10% higher response rate when measured against solitary email campaigns. Ecommerce owners and marketers, even those

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12 Marketing Tips to Increase Your eCommerce Sales Fast

12 Marketing Tips to Increase eCommerce Sales

The purpose of marketing is to increase your sales & awareness. For marketing to work you’ll need a strategy that combines a variety of different marketing actions, that together will successfully bring you your desired results – growing your eCommerce sales. When talking about eCommerce, there are some really easy to implement marketing actions. These actions, together, can help you boost your sales and increase the awareness of both, your products and your brand. These actions are really easy and fast to conduct, so keep reading and prepare yourself for a great success! Generate Trust on Your Site Even if

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What You Need To Do To Your Shopify Store To Upgrade It For 2018

Upgrade your Shopify Store for 2018

As a Shopify store owner, your work is never done. An online store is a work-in-progress, requiring regular tweaks and upgrades to keep up-to-date and offer your customers a fast, user-friendly shopping experience. So what can you do to upgrade your Shopify store for 2018 and start the year as you mean to go on? For a little inspiration, check out The Best of the Best Shopify Stores of 2017. Make it personalized and interactive It’s no secret that today, most people have little time and low attention spans. It’s not entirely our fault, after all, society has designed a system

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The eCommerce Checkout Best Practices Infographic

Checkout best practices

It is particularly frustrating to see online visitors go thru the entire shopping journey – finding their desired product, add to cart, and hit checkout – only to drop out at the very last step at checkout. This is a common challenge eCommerce marketers and owners face. Which also explains why our earlier article on eCommerce Checkout Best Practices is one of the most read pieces. So, we created an eCommerce checkout best practices infographic with all the best practices of the checkout process that may help you reduce your checkout abandonment rate, thereby boosting your store’s conversions What causes eCommerce

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