Email Personalization Methods for Stronger ROI & Customer Retention


According to recent studies, 95% of digital marketing experts believe in email personalization for improving marketing results. As a result, email personalization has abundant advantages toward persuading your consumer. Despite this, many marketers are reluctant in applying email personalization techniques because they tend to believe that this strategy requires expensive or sophisticated tools. We know that’s not the case anymore. Marketing automation platforms, like ContantPigeon, make email personalization easier and more affordable than ever. So, before start sourcing ESP vendors or looking for the most refined platform out there, start from getting to know your customer base! Collecting detailed customer data is

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7 Tips to Create a Mobile Friendly Email Campaign

Our everyday routine and busy lifestyle overwhelms us all! Waking up early in the morning, taking the dog for a walk, getting ready, preparing breakfast and taking the kids to school… The list goes on and on. Somewhere in between, we try to steal 5 minutes to have a quick look at our mobile phones in order to check on our emails or just a quick chat. Research show that 51% of people check their emails on their mobile devices. This gives you a tipoff of how important it is for your campaign to be optimized for mobile devices. Have a look

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Valentine’s Day Email Marketing Ideas for Spreading the Love!

Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is more than just another American tradition that turned out to be celebrated globally. Just like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Valentine’s is a special celebration that will make you spend money for loved ones. Besides, it is the 2nd largest commerce day in the US, after the Black Friday! Whether you are surprising your special someone with a romantic dinner, flowers or any other gift, such as clothing or cosmetics, email marketing is a great tool to have in order to gather more leads, therefore more sales for you.

4 Triggered Email Ideas for Ecommerce


Here at ContactPigeon, we are strong believers that email campaigns should be personalized, time-sensitive and relevant to user’s needs. Using these factors a triggered email campaign can support your e-commerce business in engaging with leads and customers using campaigns based on past actions and behavioral inclination.  With customization and personalization, these campaigns can help you communicate with your target audiences with customized and personalized messages. Recent studies have shown that trigger-based email marketing campaigns can generate 4x more revenue and 18x greater profits, thus making this tool a must have of every e-commerce administrator. First, exactly what is a triggered email? A triggered email is when an

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How Nonprofits Use Email Marketing to Drive Donations


Do you ever think how you can change the world? Well, not trying to be pessimistic but, no one can change it in a day. With holidays getting closer and closer everyone tries to share whatever they can offer, to show more love and affection. This doesn’t occur to individuals only, but also to nonprofit organizations, that during the last month of the year, usually, receive up to 31% of donations and are accumulating 12% in just the last 3 days of the year. This increase doesn’t happen by chance, that’s why we took the initiative to unveil through this

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Everything You Need To Know About Holiday Email Marketing


Holidays, for some people is the best time of the year but, for others, the thought of listening to Wham’s  “Last Christmas” can drive them up the wall ? One thing is for sure, the holiday season for retailers is a period where you either make it or break it. So, the same goes for e-commerce owners  and for this reason, they should employ the right marketing tactics to engage customers. Email marketing is the most effective tool for doing so. Data from previous years show that email marketing accounted for almost a quarter of online sales during holiday’s period. To help you out, we

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