Fashion Ecommerce Marketing: 5 Automation Flows That (Actually) Work

Fashion eCommerce Marketing

Fashion is one of the industries that has seen constant economic success over the past decade. In 2018 alone, the global online fashion market has brought in $484 billion, representing 27% of total fashion retail sales occurred online. While the fashion industry enjoys great profitability, the margins are facing pressures from new entrants and competitive landscape. Considering that the global fashion market online is predicted to reach $765 billion by the year 2022 (a 58% increase from today) every marketer needs to have the latest tools and strategies to boost their fashion eCommerce marketing. Savvy marketers understand that marketing automation is no longer

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90+ Summer Marketing Ideas to Heat Up Your Sales [2024]

Summer Marketing Ideas

As retailers, marketers, and eCommerce professionals, you’re likely swamped with tasks such as managing Consent mode v2 and backing up data in Google Analytics Universal. However, with summer historically being a slower sales period, staying productive and effective is crucial. The good news is that shoppers are eager to start their summer shopping, with 56% beginning as early as May or June. Furthermore, 51% of shoppers indicate that a sale can significantly motivate purchases. Recognizing these latest trends, the purpose of this article is to provide over 90 innovative summer marketing ideas, complete with actionable prompts and a handy checklist,

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The Ultimate eCommerce Marketing Automation Guide for 2024

Marketing Automation Guide 2018

A primary attraction of running an eCommerce business is the ability to control many aspects of your business operations from just about anywhere via the internet. But merely existing as an online business isn’t enough anymore. To thrive, you need to continuously adopt best practices to refine your business model. One of the most profitable arrows in your eCommerce quiver is the automation of your marketing processes. This article attempts to gather the best practices across the globe into this step by step eCommerce marketing automation guide for your reading convenience. Marketing Automation: Why Should I Bother? The e-Commerce boom is revolutionizing

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5 Triggered Emails to Automate Your Shopify Store Sales

5 Triggered Emails That Grows Shopify Sales

If you have launched an eCommerce store, then you should know that one important step towards success is to build traffic. (You can learn more about building website traffic in this interesting article). However, if you want your Shopify store to thrive, it’s not enough to simply grow traffic — especially since only 1 to 2 percent of visitors actually convert to paying customers. Instead, Shopify store owner needs to take one further step: try to actually convert site visits into sales – and then turn paying customers into returning customers. Triggered emails may be the answer to that. In

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How to Leverage Marketing Automation to Enhance the Customer Experience

Marketing automation for enhanced Customer Experience

Marketing automation is no longer a new concept, but it is an evolving one. In a way, marketing comes full-circle, beginning with one-on-one relationships that eventually become too numerous to manage. When marketing automation first entered the scene, it was a welcome solution to the growing problem of having too many audience members to engage and too few marketers (or too little time) to give them the individual attention they deserve. These early solutions focused on lists and segmentation, turning one-to-one efforts into one-to-many efforts – a time saver, indeed. Yet marketers soon realized the result of automating marketing activities

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Marketing Automation Terms Every Marketer Must Know

Marketing automation glossary

Marketing automation is one of the most misunderstood terms in digital marketing nowadays. This is true even among the marketers. A common belief is that it’s an emulation of the old school marketing tactic of pre-scheduled email campaigns to be delivered at a specific interval. Indeed, this means that many marketers haven’t figured out the allure and, of course, the true power of marketing automation just yet. In this post, we pulled together several key marketing automation terms that we believe every marketer should know.   Term #1: Marketing automation funnel Marketing automation funnel, similar to sales funnel, refers to the step by steps

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Run Marketing Automation the Amazon Way

Marketing automation like Amazon

You have spent countless hours in refining your eCommerce site and paid digital campaigns. The initial results are paying off. Your website is drawing steady traffic every day, and sales are gradually growing. Only you begin to wonder – how to take this progress to the next level, without continuing to shell out tens of thousands more marketing budget on paid ADs? Well, there is a solution that retail giant, Amazon, has perfected in the last two decades — Personalized Marketing Automation. This article examines the key marketing automation practices that Amazon pioneered that made it the successful behemoth that

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What You Didn’t Know About Cart Abandonment Emails?

Cart abandonment emails

Generally, online businesses should focus on continually analyzing their sales funnel to identify bottlenecks where customers are lost. One of the most common places to lose an interested and qualified lead is right at checkout. Many consumers report that they abandon their cart because of unexpected fees, high shipping costs, the requirement of creating an account or because they cannot get an answer to a question they have about their planned purchase. Companies can avoid these lost sales by being more user-friendly in their website design. At the same time, they should also look into recouping sales by proactively reaching out

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The Starter Guide to Ecommerce Marketing Campaign Automation: Lead Nurturing

Marketing campaign automation - Lead Nurturing

2019 Update: We released a detailed eCommerce Marketing Automation guide. You can read it here. Unless you sell magical elements or proclaim to be a wiz in online marketing, chances are, a good majority of your online visitors don’t convert immediately. Acquiring leads and turning them into customers requires a gradual process. This process, also known as lead nurturing, can not only bring customers but also increase the overall customer lifetime value. In eCommerce, you can tap into the power of marketing campaign automation for leads nurturing to win conversions in the long run. Today, we will cover the key Marketing Automation scenarios

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3 On-site Retargeting Tactics to Grow Ecommerce Sales

On-site Retargeting

The most common on-site retargeting practice is to capture visitors before they leave your eCommerce website in a subtle yet clever way. As discussed in our first onsite retargeting blog post, on-site retargeting is as valuable as your most precious business associate is. It is a highly customizable tool that allows you – as part of a greater effort to raise customer retention and increase revenue – to grow, nurture and eventually convert leads into customers. Many big brands, such as Amazon, have come up with creative and clever ideas to offer their visitors valuable shopping experience. The process of designing great on-site

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Why Marketing Campaign Automation Should Be a Part of Ecommerce Marketing?

Marketing campaign automation should cornerstone to ecommerce marketing

Marketing campaign automation is one of the most successful digital marketing practices in recent years. Why? Not only for its multiple benefits. Not only because it helps you integrate your Sales team with your Marketing team or because it enables you to boost your customer relationships. Most importantly, because it is your business’s customer engagement strategy. It is the dialogue between you and your audience; it is an integrated strategy to make something out of every single person who gets in touch with your brand through every possible channel! With the right marketing campaign automation software and proper execution, you

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How to Choose the Best Marketing Automation Platform for Your Startup


If you’re running a startup and want your marketing efforts to be as effective as possible, you should take advantage of the power of marketing automation software. Studies show that marketing automation can increase sales productivity by 14.5%, and on average, 74% of companies report that using marketing automation software saves them a significant amount of time. If you know that you want to take advantage of a marketing automation platform but you’re not sure how to choose one, the following considerations can help you decide on the right platform for your specific business needs and goals. via GIPHY  

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