12 Marketing Tips to Increase Your eCommerce Sales Fast

12 Marketing Tips to Increase eCommerce Sales

The purpose of marketing is to increase your sales & awareness. For marketing to work you’ll need a strategy that combines a variety of different marketing actions, that together will successfully bring you your desired results – growing your eCommerce sales. When talking about eCommerce, there are some really easy to implement marketing actions. These actions, together, can help you boost your sales and increase the awareness of both, your products and your brand. These actions are really easy and fast to conduct, so keep reading and prepare yourself for a great success! Generate Trust on Your Site Even if

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Email Deliverability Best Practices in 2024

Email Deliverability Best Practices

The invention of email is undeniably one of the most noteworthy innovations in the history of business communications, allowing companies from anywhere in the world to reach out to potential customers at little to no cost. But the meteoric rise of email created some real pitfalls that may not be readily apparent to the average user. In a previous post, we covered 5 simple email deliverability best practices while in this post, we discuss this sole key metric defining the success of email marketing with an updated list of email deliverability best practices for 2023. What is Email Deliverability? One

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The Complete GDPR eCommerce Checklist

The GDPR eCommerce Checklist

The most important and sweeping change in digital privacy regulation in the world will come into effect on May 25th of this year in the EU. We’ve already published a GDPR FAQ to help you understand it but we also decided to also release a GPDR eCommerce checklist to get your back covered. The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR for short) is transforming the way we treat digital data and affecting practically any website or organization that collects, stores and uses customer data. This includes a majority of eCommerce stores, as GDPR applies not only to European organizations but to

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3+2 EGGciting Easter Email Templates

Exciting Easter Email Templates

Spring is officially here in the northern hemisphere, and that means Easter is not too far along the way. For many retailers, Easter campaign plannings are well underway with many egg-citing spring promotions. For those marketers who are still brainstorming ideas, we have prepared a number of fun spring and Easter email templates ready for your use. After logging into your ContactPigeon account, simply customize the template and hit send to kick off the Easter spirit? Happy Easter Email Templates for eCommerce 1. Easter Bunny Sketch A sketch of cartoon bunny in pastel colors brings out all the childhood charm associated with

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What You Need To Do To Your Shopify Store To Upgrade It For 2018

Upgrade your Shopify Store for 2018

As a Shopify store owner, your work is never done. An online store is a work-in-progress, requiring regular tweaks and upgrades to keep up-to-date and offer your customers a fast, user-friendly shopping experience. So what can you do to upgrade your Shopify store for 2018 and start the year as you mean to go on? For a little inspiration, check out The Best of the Best Shopify Stores of 2017. Make it personalized and interactive It’s no secret that today, most people have little time and low attention spans. It’s not entirely our fault, after all, society has designed a system

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8 Ways to Use Chrome Notifications to Boost Shopify Store Conversion Rates

Chrome Notifications for Shopify

As a Shopify store owner, have you ever found yourself in a position where you receive a healthy amount of traffic to your eCommerce platform, yet still suffer from low conversion rates when it comes to following up on initial visitor interest in your store and registering those all-important final sales? If so, Chrome Notifications may be just the ticket to give your conversion a little boost. What are Chrome Notifications? Google has provided an effective tool to bring otherwise lost customers back and boost your sales totals in the form of “Chrome Notifications.” Simply put, a Chrome Notification is

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150 Out-of-the Box Easter Subject Lines to Crack Your Email Marketing [2024 updated]

12 Easter Subject Lines

2023 Update: We added even more subject lines to nail your Easter email campaigns! Find them near the bottom of the article! Spring is in the air (or for some regions fast approaching)! Along with the budding greens and blooming flowers, marketers everywhere are planning a host of exciting new marketing ideas for the season. One of the biggest occasions in Spring is Easter. In 2017, Americans spent $18.4 billion at Easter while in 2018 and 2019 the total consumer spending was stabilised near 18.2 billion US dollars, according to Statista. Across the pond, British consumers planned to spend an average of

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27 Top eCommerce Checkout Tips for 2024

eCommerce Checkout Tips

For your business to succeed online, the need for top-notch eCommerce checkout practices cannot be overstated. But establishing your systems is just the beginning. Since eCommerce is continually evolving, last year’s state-of-the-art techniques may be hopelessly outdated today. To maximize the efficiency of your eCommerce checkout, you should always be optimizing and experimenting with new methods and tactics. This helps you to stay on top of the eCommerce game and in front of your competitors. Whether if your shop is built on Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento or any other platform, here are the 28 practical eCommerce checkout tips to ensure

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Mastering The Abandoned Cart Recovery Process

eCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Process

Abandoned shopping carts hold trillions in unspent dollars. How can online retailers stop losing these customers right before they make the final click? It all comes down to mastering the abandoned cart recovery process. Table of Content Introduction A Guide to Mastering the Abandon Cart Recovery Process 7 Steps to Abandon Cart Recovery Conclusion The Pain E-commerce began as a buying experience, rather than a browsing one. In those early days, retailers were afraid to lose emotionally driven impulse purchases. Internet shoppers were asking for tailored merchandise at cut-rate prices and skipping the sales bins, end caps, and displays. But

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Valentine’s Day Infographic: Email Marketing & eCommerce Insights

Valentine's Day Infographic

Valentine’s Day has become more than just a western holiday celebrating love and romance, but an international holiday with substantial commercial success. As a holiday, it has achieved the commercial status that’s only surpassed by Black Friday and Christmas. According to National Retail Federation estimate, the average American would spend $136.57 this year celebrating Valentine’s Day, with an overall estimate at $18.2B in retail spend for 2018. Here at ContactPigeon, we are also curious to find out how the last Valentine’s Day fared for our eCommerce customers1. Here are the key findings from 2018 Valentine’s Day infographic on the email marketing and eCommerce data.

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5 Ways of Using eCommerce Push Notifications for Marketing

eCommerce Push Notifications

Last month, we introduced yet another power messaging channel to reach your target audience. The new eCommerce push notifications give you unique ability to reach users with special updates, sales, promotions and tailored reminders to lapsing customers. With proper usage, this channel has the potential to overtake emails in its effectiveness. Push notifications are not subjected to spam filters, nor any other form of inbox restrictions and messages are “pushed” at the point where users are active on their devices. As a result, eCommerce push notifications have 3 to 10x times higher click rates compared to standard email newsletters, and so

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14 Must Have Shopify Apps for Automating Your Store Processes [2024]

9 Must Have Shopify Apps

The online marketplace is also expected to be more competitive than ever in 2023. That’s why e-commerce store owners need to continuously explore new technologies and promotion tactics in order to create a competitive advantage against competitors in the industry. Shopify Tool Stack is a collection of Shopify apps that help you stay competitive by providing assistance and automation with all processes of running your Shopify store — particularly with automating sales. Check out these 14 must-have Shopify apps that can boost your sales and make you more competitive. Shopify Apps for managing your inventory, shipping, and tracking Shopify app

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3 Proven Ways to Reduce Category Browse Abandonment

eCommerce Category Browse Abandonment

For the majority of online retailers, keeping shoppers on their site and avoiding category browse abandonment is a significant challenge. Various types of abandonment can cost U.S. e-commerce merchants billions of dollars in sales every year. Estimates range from 70% cart abandonment to almost 80 percent of all possible orders are lost from a form of visitor abandonment. This post will cover the various types of abandonment and introduce 3 ways to tackle the most common one – Category Browse Abandonment.   Types of Visitor Abandonments Website bounce A bounce refers to a single page session on your site. It takes

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150+ Romantic Valentine’s Day Email Subject Lines

Valentine's day email subject

When it comes to email marketing, consumers scroll, swipe, and click their way through hundreds, if not thousands, of messages each day. Consequently, the gap in capturing customer’s attention is narrowing considerably.  Throw in a consumption-driven event like Valentine’s Day, when nearly every business out there is jumping into the marketing frenzy, and you’ve got your work cut out for you. What all eCommerce Managers should also keep in mind is that approximately 52% of individuals partake in Valentine’s Day celebrations, so you should totally spend some time designing your Valentine’s email marketing strategy. That’s why having attention-grabbing Valentine’s Day

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The Best of the Best Shopify Stores (2024 updated)

10 Best Shopify Stores

2023 was an amazing year for eCommerce so far, and Shopify was at the head of the game. From artisanal soaps to furniture to electronics, retailers all over the world showcased their products and made a solid income via the eCommerce channel. We took a look at some of Shopify’s most popular sites and created a shortlist of those we believe are the best Shopify stores in 2023. We evaluated them based on the following criteria revolving around website experiences: Effective marketing pop-ups Navigation menu Overall homepage design Product page Mobile display Interesting tools Generally cool features Here is our

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8 Heart Warming Valentines Day Email Templates

Valentines Day Email Templates

Valentine’s Day is just a month away. After Christmas, Valentine’s Day is our second favorite holiday of the year. After all, very few of us can resist those heart melting and gushingly sweet wishes exchanged on the holiday of love! ? At the same time, Valentine’s day is also a retail occasion for all eCommerce marketers, as people are willing to spend a little more for their loved ones on this special day. (Keep in mind that the average spend in the US for Valentine’s gifts is $140). That’s why we are bringing you a set of lovely Valentines Day email templates to help inspire

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5 Triggered Emails to Automate Your Shopify Store Sales

5 Triggered Emails That Grows Shopify Sales

If you have launched an eCommerce store, then you should know that one important step towards success is to build traffic. (You can learn more about building website traffic in this interesting article). However, if you want your Shopify store to thrive, it’s not enough to simply grow traffic — especially since only 1 to 2 percent of visitors actually convert to paying customers. Instead, Shopify store owner needs to take one further step: try to actually convert site visits into sales – and then turn paying customers into returning customers. Triggered emails may be the answer to that. In

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The eCommerce Checkout Best Practices Infographic

Checkout best practices

It is particularly frustrating to see online visitors go thru the entire shopping journey – finding their desired product, add to cart, and hit checkout – only to drop out at the very last step at checkout. This is a common challenge eCommerce marketers and owners face. Which also explains why our earlier article on eCommerce Checkout Best Practices is one of the most read pieces. So, we created an eCommerce checkout best practices infographic with all the best practices of the checkout process that may help you reduce your checkout abandonment rate, thereby boosting your store’s conversions What causes eCommerce

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56 Christmas Marketing Statistics to Know for This Holiday Season

Christmas Statistics

Most companies start planning their Christmas marketing strategy long before the actual holiday. That’s why it may seem like the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier every year! However, holiday marketing campaigns really go into full effect during the months of November and December. During this time, businesses around the world start filling inboxes with notes, coupons, special sales and more. If you’re smart about it, Christmas is one of the very best times of year to engage with your customers and boost sales. The key is to create campaigns that can get heard above the noise of all the

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