In the post-COVID-19 era, businesses are becoming more data-driven, and one of the most profitable days of the year is just around the corner: Father’s Day. This year, the big day is June 19th which means that you have no time to waste. So we compiled a list of Father’s Day statistics every retailer should know to get you properly prepared and give you a taste of what your consumers need this year. These statistics will provide insights that can help eCommerce professionals, retailers and marketers make smarter business decisions, gear up, and earn a portion of the billions of dollars consumers will spend on Father’s Day.
Table of Contents
- > How Father’s Day Started
- > Why Father’s Day Is Important for Retailers
- > Father’s Day in the post-COVID-19 Era
- > All the Father’s Day Statistics a Retailer Should Take Into Consideration
- > Generic Father’s Day Retail Statistics
- > Father’s Day Consumer Spending Statistics
- > Father’s Day Gift Statistics
- > UK Father’s Day Statistics
- > Take Advantage of These Father’s Day Statistics to Build a Data-Driven Strategy
How Father’s Day Started
Father’s Day became a permanent national holiday in the U.S. when President Richard Nixon signed it into law in 1972. Both in the U.S. and the UK, Father’s Day is the third Sunday in June.
Why Father’s Day Is Important for Retailers
In 2021, Father’s Day spending in the U.S. reached $20.1 billion, surpassing that of 2020, which was $17 billion. The same report by Statista shows that in 2022 it is expected that consumers will spend $20 billion on Father’s Day expenses.
Identifying and keeping up with the latest consumer trends is the key to forming a coherent marketing plan and connecting with your audience. This shows that with the amount of money consumers are planning to spend this year, smart retailers need to make plans and take advantage of this famous holiday.
Father’s Day in the post-COVID-19 Era
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many Americans to celebrate Father’s Day at home or virtually in 2020, and a lot of consumers were constrained to spend less money than they wanted to. However, with the pandemic waning, things are going back to normal and consumers will be celebrating Father’s Day the same way they used to before the pandemic. For instance, special outings are one of the top ways audiences plan to celebrate Father’s Day this year.
All the Father’s Day Statistics a Retailer Should Take Into Consideration
Take a peek at the following Father’s Day statistics and plan your marketing campaigns using a data-driven, tangible approach.
Generic Father’s Day Retail Statistics
Let’s start with some general facts and statistics about fathers and Father’s Day.
- In the U.S. about 61.6% of men over the age of 15 (74.4 million) are fathers. (Census)
- Most men become fathers between 20 and 24 years old, which makes up 31% of all first-time dads. Other age brackets: under 20 years old at 8%, 25 to 29 at 30.3%, 30 to 34 at 19.5%, 35 to 39 at 7.8%, and 40 and above at 3.3%. (Census)
- The average age of fathers has been increasing over the years. In the U.S., the average age of fathers in 1972 was 27.4, and in 2015, it was 30.9. (Census)
- As of 2015, 9% of newborn fathers are 40 and older. (Census)
- In Germany, the average age of fathers rose to 33.2 in 2020, up from 32.8 in 2015. (Destatis)
- In the U.K., the average age of fathers rose from 29.4 in 1974 to 33.3 in 2016. (
- More fathers are raising their kids alone without a spouse. In 2020, the number of single-dad households in the U.S. was 6.96 million. In 1990, the number was 2.9 million. (Census)
- The majority of fathers (63%) say they spent too little time with their children. (Pew Research)
- More men are becoming stay-at-home dads. In 2016, men made up 16% of stay-at-home parents in the U.S., up from 10% in 1989. (Pew Research)
- Many fathers (57%) see their role as a parent as a key part of their identity. (Pew Research)
- Fathers have become more involved in child care than they were 50 years ago. (Pew Research)
- Fifty-four percent of fathers have only adult children who are at least 18 years old. (Census)
- Forty-six percent of fathers have at least one child younger than 18 years old. (Census)
- About one in four men are grandfathers. (Census)
- The first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910, in Spokane, Washington. (History)
- A woman, Sonora Smart Dodd, conceived the idea of a day to celebrate fathers in honor of her dad, a widower who raised six children after his wife’s death. (History)
- Many working dads (52%) struggle with work-family balance. (Pew Research)
- The number of fathers who are their family’s sole provider is declining. (Pew Research)
Father’s Day Consumer Spending Statistics
The following Father’s Day stats reveal how much consumers in different demographics plan to spend:
- Consumers in the U.S. plan to spend an average of $171.79 on Father’s Day celebrations in 2022. This almost matches the $174.10 that consumers spent last year. (NRF)
- Consumers between 25 and 34 years old plan to spend the most on Father’s Day in 2022. They plan to spend an average of $248.98, followed closely by 35- to 44-year-olds at $245.16. (NRF)
- More men than women plan to celebrate Father’s Day this year— 77% of men and 75% of women plan to celebrate. (NRF)
- On average, 76% of consumers plan to do something special this year for Father’s Day. (NRF)
- Men plan to spend more than women. On average, men plan to spend $199.84, and women plan to spend $145.13. (NRF)
- U.S. consumers’ spending plans differ by region. The West tops the list at 185.90. The South follows at $178.06, the Northeast at $163.71, and the Midwest at $151.71. (NRF)
Father’s Day Gift Statistics
Consumers plan to celebrate Father’s Day differently. Let’s see some of the ways U.S. consumers will be celebrating:
- Sending cards is a popular way to celebrate Father’s Day. According to Hallmark, U.S. consumers buy about 72 million Father’s Day cards every year. This places Father’s Day as the fourth-largest holiday for sending cards in the U.S., behind Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and Christmas. (Hallmark)
- About a quarter of Father’s Day cards are considered “humor” cards, which are essentially cards that have dad jokes. (Hallmark)
- Greeting cards are still the most popular gifts consumers plan to give. Fifty-eight percent of consumers plan to give a Father’s Day card. Clothing is the second-most popular gift at 50%. Special outings come in third at 48.5%. (NRF)
- One-quarter of consumers plan to give experience gifts such as tickets to a concert. (NRF)
- Thirty-seven percent of consumers want to give a subscription box service. (NRF)
- Two of the most important factors influencing Father’s Day purchases for U.S. consumers are finding a gift that is “unique or different,” at 44% and finding a gift that creates a special memory, at 37%. (NRF)
- Only 18% of consumers prioritize buying the gift that is the most cost-effective. (NRF)
- More consumers are planning to shop for Father’s Day gifts online. Forty percent of consumers plan to buy their gifts online, while 34% plan to shop at department stores. Specialty stores (e.g., greeting card/gift stores, electronics stores) and discount stores tie at 22%. (NRF)
- Men plan to buy Father’s Day gifts mostly for their fathers. Fifty-four percent of men plan to buy gifts for their fathers or stepfathers, 5% for their husbands, 12% for their sons, 6% for their grandfathers, 9% for their brothers, 8% for friends, and 2% for their godfathers. (NRF)
- Women plan to buy Father’s Day gifts mostly for their husbands. Forty-five percent of women plan to buy a gift for their fathers or stepfathers, 47% for their husbands, 10% for their sons, 4% for their grandfathers, 5% for their brothers, 5% for friends, and 1% for their godfathers. (NRF)
- Most consumers— 64%—say they have seen higher prices when shopping for Father’s Day gifts. (NRF)
- Retailers are still playing a significant role in helping people to choose Father’s Day gifts. Thirty percent of consumers look to retailers to get inspiration for a Father’s Day gift. (NRF)
- Of the different demographics, consumers between the ages of 25 to 34 rely on retailers the most, while those who are 65 and older rely on retailers the least. (NRF)
- Consumers plan to spend the most on a special outing ($32.29), more than all other gift categories. Clothing and gift cards follow at $26.62 and $23.02, respectively. The planned expenses are similar to what consumers spent last year on the different categories. (NRF)
- Overall, consumers are expected to spend $3.77 billion on a special outing, $3.11 billion on clothing, and $2.69 billion on gift cards. (Statista)
- Fifty percent of fathers said they sometimes get Father’s Day gifts they don’t want. (Truly Experiences)
- A small segment of fathers (8%) say they get Father’s Day gifts they don’t want all the time, while 9% say it never happens. (Truly Experiences)
- Two-thirds (67%) of fathers in a survey said a gift that creates a special memory is dear to them. (Truly Experiences)
- Ninety-one percent of fathers will choose a gift experience or special outing with their loved ones over a materialistic gift. (Truly Experiences)
- Neckties are the most popular Father’s Day gift. (MSN)
UK Father’s Day Statistics
Father’s Day in the U.K. is June 19, 2022, like in the U.S. Take a look at the following U.K. Father’s Day statistics:
- For almost a quarter of Brits (24%), spending time together with their fathers was their preferred way to spend last year’s Father’s Day. (Activity Superstore)
- More women (29%) than men (18%) wanted to spend time with their fathers. (Activity Superstore)
- In 2021, consumers’ retail spending for Father’s Day was £951 million, up from £732 million in 2020 and £834 million in 2019. (Statista)
- Gen Zers were the most eager to see their fathers on Father’s Day in 2020 and were willing to spend more money. (Activity Superstore)
- In 2020, 38% of Brits were planning to spend Father’s Day on a Zoom call or Facetime with their fathers or stepfather. (
- In 2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Father’s Day spending fell by 30%. (
More insightful Father’s Day marketing resources for retailers
- Best Father’s Day Campaigns: 17 cases we will never forget
- 16 Super (Daddy) Cool Father’s Day Email Subject Lines for eCommerce
- 5 Father’s Day Marketing Ideas for Ecommerce
Mother’s Day marketing resources you should not miss
- Retail Best Practices: 12 Tactics to Maximize Your Mother’s Day Revenue
- The 50 most important Mother’s Day statistics for retailers
- 12 Mother’s Day Marketing Campaigns We Loved
- 100+ Catchy Mother’s Day Subject Lines for eCommerce
- 5 Advanced Mother’s Day Marketing Ideas for eCommerce
- Email Marketing Ideas for Mother’s Day [Free Templates]
Other insightful marketing statistics resources for retailers
- 75 Halloween statistics and facts every retailer should consider
- The 50 most important Mother’s Day statistics for retailers
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Take Advantage of These Father’s Day Statistics to Build a Data-Driven Strategy
Data helps remove the guesswork from marketing efforts. Every successful marketing campaign starts with understanding the audience’s needs and desires. The above Father’s Day statistics can help retailers develop a data-driven Father’s Day marketing strategy.
Seasonal marketing is a wonderful opportunity to increase brand awareness and reach new customers. ContactPigeon’s award-winning omnichannel customer engagement platform for retail businesses is the perfect way to kickstart your marketing strategies and unlock your revenue. Contact us to book a free 30-minute consultation call to discover how we can help.

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