14 Most Powerful Words in Email Marketing [Infographics]

Most powerful words in Email Marketing

You have tested the design and tweaked the “Call to Action” button repeatedly to increase engagement in your email marketing. While you are seeing an uplift in open and clicks, you are looking for more. But what more can you do? Examining how you write your email copy can be the solution to increasing those engagement rates. Using words that are direct and persuasive can be effective when it comes to inspiring your readers to take action. We have gathered 14 most power phrases for you to try in your next email campaign. These words play on a few psychological

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6 Effective Cold Email Formulas That Increase Open Rates [Infographic]


The fate of cold emails, like cold calls, are often met with dread, shrug, and neglect. It is the most challenging of all communications for three reasons. You have no relationship with your audience, the recipients have noτ expressed interests in your service or products, and you lack any form of feedback so that you can’t modify your approach in real time. Consequently, there is a huge obstacle in getting cold emails to be noticed and read. However, cold emails can work. While there are many ways to reach your prospective customers, email remains the most effective and cheapest approach for lead generation.

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