[New Video] ContactPigeon in a Nutshell!


Hard Work, evolution and inspiration are some of our favorite words! All our pigeons work every day to find the best solutions for you in order to increase traffic and sales. Apart from that, we aim to constantly upgrade our platform for the best user’s experience, as we take into consideration all of our customer’s requests. In this post, we would like to present you our brand new video and how ContactPigeon can help you gather the most accurate customer’s information possible.   By using the ContactPigeon platform you can create numerous Marketing Automation Scenarios such as Browse & Cart

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How Email Marketing Can Increase Your
E-Commerce Business Profits


If you run an e-commerce business, there’s probably a good chance that you’re using multiple marketing strategies to drive leads and increase sales. One essential marketing strategy that you should be taking advantage of is email marketing. Email marketing can help you better nurture your leads and make more sales from those leads. In fact, according to a study on email marketing by the Direct Marketing Association, the ROI of email marketing is a whopping 3,800%! If you are looking to grow your business this year, here are several ways that e-commerce email marketing can help. 1. Email Marketing Drives

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Product Update: 100+ Free Ecommerce Email Templates from ContactPigeon


Well-well, ContactPigeon team hits again! We work relentlessly in order to bring you the latest, most user-friendly ideas to send amazing email campaigns! This month we proudly introduce our 100+ template gallery with ready-made emails for creating stunning campaigns for e-commerce (and not only..). This is a feature we’ve planned and worked on for months, so you can just imagine and maybe even feel how excited we are to finally bring it to life for you, our beloved customers ? Also, we added the possibility to add your Pre-Header text right from the specific field in our editor. So, no more hiding preview

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The Ultimate Guide to A/B Testing: Email Marketing for Ecommerce


In today’s digital age, online retailers are using a huge variety of tools to market their business. Email marketing remains the most powerful tactic for reaching potential customers, especially when paired with good A/B testing, you can fine-tune your messages to drive substantial conversion results. There are multiple ways to test the efficacy of your email campaigns. You can experiment with different variants of your email’s structure and switch it up. You can test emails in order to see what your recipients respond by using different Subject Lines, different layouts and optimize it’s open and click-through rates. What Is A/B Testing?

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Email Marketing Ideas for Mother’s Day [Free Templates]


Come on, admit it, she is your everything! You know it much better than us, but we are here to help you make her day, the best of her life. With Mother’s Day celebration just around the corner, you must have already been thinking about how to help your clients surprise their mothers, at least we hope you do! If you belong to the absentminded species, don’t worry we got you covered! With this article, our main goal is to help you create attractive campaigns that will drive your customers directly at the checkout of your e-shop! In ContactPigeon we believe that

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Marketing Automation vs. Parenthood: The truth behind both!


Last May, I officially joined the Parenthood club when I gave birth to my firstborn, a baby girl. Even though she is still an itsy-bitsy being, I am dumbfounded on how fast she has grown and how rapidly she is changing from the infant we brought home from the hospital to what she is capable of today. As with those who have joined the same club will tell you, this new journey is never uneventful. As I reflect back past the sleepless nights, it dawned on me that bringing up a child is not unlike to setting up marketing automation for

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Easter: The Only Time it’s OK to Put All Your Eggs in One Basket! [Free Email Templates]

Speaking of baskets have you checked how many baskets a.k.a  carts are abandoned in your e-shop? Do you know that in a festive period like Easter parents, godmothers, brothers, sisters and in-laws are desperately looking for this special gift for their loved ones, even the very last minute? Let’s not mention how children get so excited with colorful eggs and cute little animals, especially ducks, chickens and bunnies that are honored at this time of year. ContactPigeon is here to guide you on how to benefit from this celebration. The biggest advantage you have here is the information your clients

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The $0 Budget Guide to Build your Email Marketing Stack


At ContactPigeon, apart from striving continuously to provide you with the best solutions to advance your email marketing and boost e-commerce sales, we are on constant search to bring you hassle free solutions to improve your marketing campaigns with a minimal budget. Our pigeons flew around to find free marketing tools for design, content development and productivity to help you build your email marketing stack. Have a look below to discover some nifty tools that will boost your marketing efforts with $0 budget! Design Discover Freepik’s exclusive content and graphic resources. With this tool, you can download free vectors, photos and icons for creating campaign

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What Are UTM Parameters and How They Help You Track Email Marketing Performance


Where does the bulk of your website traffic come from? Do you know how much is coming from email vs. Google search or social media? Do you have any idea how much revenue each of your campaigns or social networks are bringing in? A lot of companies do not have specific ways of measuring this stuff – but it can be incredibly helpful and profitable to do so. That’s where UTMs come in. What Is a UTM Parameter? UTM stands for “Urchin Tracking Module“. It’s a term coined by Urchin Software Corporation, which was acquired by Google in 2005. Its

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6 Tips for Writing a Catchy Email Subject Line for Ecommerce


The subject line of an email is a sentence or phrase that acts as the initial introduction to your audience. Think of it as the sexy “pick-up line”. [bctt tweet=”It’s important to catch recipients interest in order to open your email and read further.” username=”ContactPigeon”] Digital marketers and e-commerce managers, especially those early in their careers, have definitely come across the “Subject Line Dilemma” ? It’s commonly characterized by writer’s block with symptoms such as the intermittent state of nervousness, confusion, and frustration as you stare at that blank text field next to the label: Subject. [bctt tweet=”33% of the recipients

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Improve Email Deliverability With These 5 Simple Best Practices


Sending emails is a great way for companies to market their businesses and bring in new customers. After all, the world is an email-obsessed place, with over 2.6 billion email users worldwide and with nearly 28% of the average person’s workday spent opening, reading and responding to emails. However, while marketing emails can be particularly effective in reaching your target audience, their potency diminishes when they can’t be delivered. According to deliverability studies, only 79% of all commercial emails get delivered. One of the most important ways to ensure that a company maximizes its email marketing efforts is to boost email

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Product Update: Introducing Custom Audiences for Facebook Ads


We feel very proud every time our product team comes up with a new feature or improvement that makes our customers lives easier. That’s why we’re super excited to introduce the integration between ContactPigeon and Facebook, where you can now synchronize Custom Audiences for Facebook Ads! Combining your email marketing strategy with Facebook ads gives you the opportunity to create integrated marketing campaigns. You can expand the reach of your marketing message beyond customer’s mailbox and target customers throughout their digital journey especially in channels where they spend most of their time online: Social Media Facebook Ad Campaigns is a powerful

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Increase Revenue With Τhese Simple Cross-Selling Ecommerce Strategies

In this time and age, when competition is more aggressive than ever, every company’s main target is to find ways to improve their revenue strategy and eventually find the best practices they need to focus on what works for them. [bctt tweet=”Marketers today have become more hands on with testing and trying what works best. ” username=”contactpigeon”] Based on this experience, they got to know how to make their ecommerce successful and profitable. Many of you, if not all of you, know that driving incremental sales from a current customer costs a lot less than acquiring new ones. This article

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That’s the E-commerce Checkout Best Practices that Convert (2024 updated)


It’s not an easy task setting up an e-commerce business. You have to spend time finding the perfect layout, organizing your product photos and creating gripping descriptions. So, even after all that time spent if your checkout process is confusing or seems uncertain to your customers, you will never be able to maximize conversions for your business. We have seen this getting in the way, therefore, in this blog post we have gathered some of the eCommerce checkout best practices from leading brands to give you some guidelines that will help you improve your checkout process and, as a result, increase your

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Email Personalization Methods for Stronger ROI & Customer Retention


According to recent studies, 95% of digital marketing experts believe in email personalization for improving marketing results. As a result, email personalization has abundant advantages toward persuading your consumer. Despite this, many marketers are reluctant in applying email personalization techniques because they tend to believe that this strategy requires expensive or sophisticated tools. We know that’s not the case anymore. Marketing automation platforms, like ContantPigeon, make email personalization easier and more affordable than ever. So, before start sourcing ESP vendors or looking for the most refined platform out there, start from getting to know your customer base! Collecting detailed customer data is

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Exit Intent Popups for Ecommerce: 5 Simple and Effective Ideas!


Exit intent popups are game changers within the e-commerce industry these days. The reason is simple, this tool gives you the opportunity to recruit users that are just browsing your website and drive them to specific conversion actions. These actions can be transformed into extra revenue and additional subscribers for your e-commerce shop. By increasing the conversion rates simply means that you don’t have to invest more money in attracting more visitors to your site but rather make the best out of your existing customer base.   What Exit Intent Marketing Exit Intent Marketing is a subcategory of Marketing which

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7 Tips to Create a Mobile Friendly Email Campaign

Our everyday routine and busy lifestyle overwhelms us all! Waking up early in the morning, taking the dog for a walk, getting ready, preparing breakfast and taking the kids to school… The list goes on and on. Somewhere in between, we try to steal 5 minutes to have a quick look at our mobile phones in order to check on our emails or just a quick chat. Research show that 51% of people check their emails on their mobile devices. This gives you a tipoff of how important it is for your campaign to be optimized for mobile devices. Have a look

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Valentine’s Day Email Marketing Ideas for Spreading the Love!

Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is more than just another American tradition that turned out to be celebrated globally. Just like Thanksgiving and Christmas, Valentine’s is a special celebration that will make you spend money for loved ones. Besides, it is the 2nd largest commerce day in the US, after the Black Friday! Whether you are surprising your special someone with a romantic dinner, flowers or any other gift, such as clothing or cosmetics, email marketing is a great tool to have in order to gather more leads, therefore more sales for you.

4 Triggered Email Ideas for Ecommerce


Here at ContactPigeon, we are strong believers that email campaigns should be personalized, time-sensitive and relevant to user’s needs. Using these factors a triggered email campaign can support your e-commerce business in engaging with leads and customers using campaigns based on past actions and behavioral inclination.  With customization and personalization, these campaigns can help you communicate with your target audiences with customized and personalized messages. Recent studies have shown that trigger-based email marketing campaigns can generate 4x more revenue and 18x greater profits, thus making this tool a must have of every e-commerce administrator. First, exactly what is a triggered email? A triggered email is when an

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10 New Year’s Resolutions Every Ecommerce Business Should Make


Never stop experimenting no matter how successful and thriving your e-commerce company is! The start of a new year is a great time to start practicing some new trends to boost sales and increase the power of your marketing strategy. As we have enter 2017, here are 10 resolutions that every e-commerce business should implement to make this year the best ever yet!